Chapter 8 • Talk

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I hesitated unlocking the door when I reached my apartment. I shouldn't be scared. Sure, Liam gets angry but he would never lay a hand on me. I don't think so, at least.

I unlocked the door and slipped in but there was no point in trying to sneak past him. He was planted in front of the TV again with a beer in his hand. Hoping to ease the tension in the air, I scurried past him and set my stuff on the counter before grabbing him a new beer. The one in his hand was mostly empty.

I popped the cap off and dropped it in the trashcan on the way back out to the living room. He had set the empty one on the coffee table next to his feet so I passed him the new one while grabbing the other bottle. I disappeared back to the kitchen, mentally praying that he doesn't mention Lynch.

Unpacking my lunch bag, I rinsed the tupperware and threw the plastic bag away. I heard heavy footsteps and looked up as Liam leaned against the doorframe, staring me down. I winced under his gaze and stopped what I was doing.

"Who was the guy?" Was his first question.

I almost gave my instinct response but stopped myself quickly, "He's a new employee. I don't know anything about him except his name. I don't think I'll learn much about him anyway. He will probably get random jobs and I don't know his hours to know if we'll cross paths."

He waited until my ranting was done, "You better not get close to him. You seemed real friendly with him when I walked in so I better not find out you're cheating on me. You better find a way to avoid him."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," I hesitated again, "Um, I guess I'll just get my stuff and leave."

He moved out of the way and I slunk past him but not quick enough because his arm shot out and stopped me in my tracks. I looked up at him, wondering what else he wanted to say.

"Don't think I didn't notice those bags you brought home yesterday. What'd you go out to get, hm? It looked like clothes," he commented, urging me to provide an answer.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and answered meekly, "Alexandria wanted to take me out shopping. She bought clothes for me but I haven't washed or worn anything yet."

His jaw flexed and I knew I didn't give the correct answer, "You're taking all of them back. Yeah, I looked at what you got. Do you really think I'm going to let you out of this apartment, looking like a slut? If I wanted one I would have dated one."

I nodded blankly, staring down the dark hallway, "I'll bring them with tonight when I meet up with Dria. She has the receipt so she'll have to take them back."

"Good," he placed his hand on my head and I flinched like he was going to hit me.

Instead he placed a chaste kiss to the top of my head and pulled back to look me in the eyes, "You know I love you right? I love you the way you are now. I don't want to see you wear those clothes because I don't want you to be insecure and change yourself to fit what everyone else wants to see. You get me?"

"Yeah, I understand. I'm gonna pack an overnight bag now. Have fun with your friends tonight," I walked away and headed back to my room.

In under an hour, I had an overnight bag packed, I was changed into more comfortable clothing, and I had the bags of clothes ready to go. I waddled out of the room and down the hall to the front door. Liam was back to flicking through channels. Setting some of the bags down, I pulled out a phone and sent a text to Dria. It only took a few seconds before she replied that she was on her way.

Now I have to wait for the few minutes it takes her to get here. I awkwardly stood next to the door, swiping through my phone but not actually doing anything. Liam looked over at me and I turned my phone off.

"She here yet?" He asked, glancing down at my phone.

I shook my head, "She's on her way. She'll text me when she's here."


He looked back to the TV, seemingly focused on the commercial that was talking about some medication. My phone vibrated and I looked down at the screen that lit up with the notification. Dria was parked outside now.

I gathered my stuff and pulled the door open, hobbling out into the brisk air. A chill ran up my spine as the door swung shut behind me and locked. I slowly made my way down the stairs and over to her car. She got out and slammed the door behind her, looking at the untouched bags of clothes. Wordlessly, she helped me load the stuff into the back of her car but I knew she had several questions.

That came to fruition the moment she shifted into reverse, "So why are you bringing the clothes?"

I took a deep breath and released it slowly, "Uh, Liam found the clothes and he thinks it's best if I return them. Since you have the receipt, I brought them for you to take back. They haven't been worn or washed."

She was looking at the road but I could see the gears spinning in her head to find a solution, "What if you just leave the clothes at my place? Then, whenever we go out, you can change into something you like. What Liam doesn't know won't hurt him."

I leaned back in the seat, staring blankly at the dashboard, "You're right, but it feels like he'd find out. We can try but I'm worried I'll give myself away. Where are we going, anyway?"

She pulled up to a red light and turned her head to look at me. Her eyes glinted and I realized she was planning something, "Remember cute guy from this morning?"

I cut in before I could stop myself, "Lynch. His name is Lynch."

"Well that confirmed it but a little birdie told me he was working at the café with you. Because I'm a generous person, I decided to invite him over. Don't worry, I managed to convince Ember and Dakota to come, too," I wilted at her words, Liam's resonating in my head.

"Dria," I pulled her out of her formulating mind, "I don't thinks that's a good idea. You know how Liam is with guy friends. I can't afford to get close to Lynch."

Her glance was pleading as she pressed on the gas when the light turned green, "Ry, you need to let yourself live a little. He can't control every aspect of your life. Just- Just talk to Lynch some tonight. You don't have to give every detail of you life to him but get to know him some. Please? For me?"

My heart clenched but not because I'm scared. It was because she was right. I couldn't just write him off because Liam said so.

"Ok. I'll talk to him."

"Good. We're going to pick him up."


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