Chapter 21 • Silenced Screams

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Three hours later, I was loading another bucket full of dishes while watching Vivian try to talk to Lynch. He ignored her and instead focused on getting his customer's order. I don't know what was said after I left but he seemed annoyed with her. I didn't ask questions though and headed back to the kitchen. I didn't need her saying something about me not doing my job.

I unloaded the dishwasher and stack the clean dishes in the open cabinets. I loaded the bin of dirty dishes into the dishwasher and started it up. As I headed back to the front, I pulled out my phone and opened the camera to check my makeup. The camera was already on me from previous checkups and I saw that it was starting to smudge some.

I changed my course to the bathroom so I could touch it up. I stepped in and flicked on the light while locking the door behind me. The concealer seemed to be smudged worse than what it looked like in the camera so I went ahead and washed off the old concealer and pulled out the tube to apply a new layer.

As I was tucked it back in my pocket and washing my hands, someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Lynch on the other side. I ducked my head and tried to escape around him but he lifted his hand and placed it on the wall in front of me. I flinched and stopped.

"Why do you flinch so hard?" He asked.

I shrugged him off. "I don't know."

"You do know," he stated, then repeated, "Why?"

"I just flinch a lot. I'm jittery."

He was silent for a long time. The minutes dragged out before he asked, "Why're you covering the bruise? Didn't you get it from running into a door?"

Finally I looked up at his coppery golden eyes. "I did but it got worse so I just felt better about covering it up. We have to be presentable at work so it's better that I hide it."

I watched as his jaw tightened and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Alright. Ok."

He doesn't believe me now. I can see it. I looked away from him, unable to any longer. He dropped his hand to his side and walked away. I know he's not stupid. I know this just as much as I know I can't lie. I list the ability to a long time ago. I walked out to the front where Vivian was wiping down the counter.

She met my eyes and glared, pausing her cleaning. I swallowed past the knot in my throat and turned away. There was nothing else for me to do right now. I wanted to go home and hide from everyone but I couldn't. My shift ends at five. I have two more hours.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see the notification. It was a text. It was from Liam. With a pounding heart and shaky fingers, I clicked on it and opened it in the messages.

You're working today right? I'm stopping by

I could clearly read the double meaning and underlying threat. I had no doubt he was only a few inches away and would be here soon. If I hadn't been here, there would be no way to beat him. He's meticulous when it come to catching me in lies.

Just as I thought, the bell over the door rang. I turned around right as Liam sauntered in. He had an easy, deceiving smile on his face. When he saw me, it widened. Lynch walked out just as Liam stopped in front of me. I knew Liam could see him.

Lynch slipped behind the counter and began fiddling with the cash register but I knew he was watching us.

"Hey, baby. I thought we could have lunch together. What do you think?" He took my hand in his and I forced myself to not recoil in fear. It was the same hand he slapped me with.

"Ok," was all I said in return.

"Do you need to tell anyone you're leaving for a little while?" It was a loaded question.

"I need to tell Vivian."

He released my hand and I walked over to the counter. Both Lynch and Vivian watched me but I only gave my attention to Vivian.

"I'm taking my break and going to lunch with Liam. I'll be back in thirty minutes." She nodded once and returned to what she was doing. I turned and met up with Liam as he walked to the door.

Once we were outside, he placed a forceful hand on my shoulder and directed me where he wanted me to go. I went complacent and let him guide me. I was too nervous to do anything else. Nobody was around when he turned me toward a narrow alley between two stores. I knew neither of them had cameras outside and pointing toward the alley. I was alone. Something was about to happen and there would be no one to stop it.

When he decided we were far enough back, his hand pushed me into the brick wall. I bit my lip and kept my head down. He roughly grabbed my chin and forced my head up. His eyes narrowed as he studied me.

Finally, he said, "Good, you covered the bruise. No one would want to see something that hideous. Then again, that would mean you'd need to stay home at all times."

I winced at the insult.

"It's good to see that you actually showed up at work. Though, I don't like that fucker looking at you. You did something with him and I'll find out what it was. What the fuck have you told him, Ryder?"

I shookmy head vigorously. "I haven't told him anything. I swear! I haven't talked to him."

"Likr I believe you. You lied when you said it would just be you and your friend at that stupid sleepover. I have no doubt your lying now." I stilled when his hand clamped down on my throat. "You better have enough makeup."

"Wh-" His hand squeezed tighter around my throat.

My hands shot up immediately and tried to pull his hand away but he had a death grip. Only choking sound escaped when I tried to get him to let me go. A tear slipped down my cheek. I was too stunned to do anything. Black spots started to dance in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't scream for help. I couldn't do anything.

"Hey!" Liam's hand fell away from my neck at the voice and I collapsed in front of him.

Coughs racked my body as I sucked air back into my lungs. Everything bobbed and swayed. It was beginning to hit me that I could've died. Liam had disappeared almost immediately. The man approached me and knelt in front of me. I was glad it wasn't Lynch.

"Miss, are you all right?" He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm- I'm ok. I'm fine. I need- I need to get back to work. Thank you. Have a good day." I struggled to stand and leaned heavily on the wall.

He stood with me and shot me a worried look. "I think you should get checked on. He was choking you, miss."

I dismissed him. "I'm ok. I just need to go. Thank you."

I walked away from him and headed back in the direction of the café.

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