Love Candidate - Him & I - Chapter 20

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Warning: This chapter contains a mature scene.

Taehyung slowly lowered his hand from his wild hair with his pale expression fixed on mine and lips slightly ajar as if he didn't expect my presence in the room. I blinked at him, blankly averting my eyes back to the corpse in the kitchen until I felt the urge to barf out my intestines. I quickly turned around and rushed to the bathroom just as Taehyung took a step forward to explain the situation. A rush of vomit shot up my throat, violently ejecting out of my mouth the instant I reached the toilet bowl. I puked so hard I felt my own intestine twisting and tearing itself apart. My head was throbbing so much I could feel my own pulse in my temples as I fought to regain control of my senses and finally lowered my head to catch my breath with my eyes closed after emptying my stomach.

"Jiyoung-" Taehyung touched my shoulder as I hovered over the toilet. I let out a shaky exhale, flushed the vomit and straightened my body to inhale softly. I shrugged Taehyung's hand off my shoulder without looking at him and walked towards the sink to rinse my lips. Slowly, I averted my tearful eyes to the mirror to find Taehyung standing behind me with a dim expression.

"Hah," I weakly scoffed in disbelief and lowered my face with my arms pressed against the sink. Taehyung tried to walk toward me with an anxious expression, so I quickly turned around, strode out of the bathroom and strolled back into the living room.

"Jiyoung, you should stay in my room-" Taehyung gently reached out for my wrist in the corridor. I pulled my hand out of his grasp with a dull expression as Taehyung stared at me with his pleading eyes. I want to see everything, and he will not stop me. I darted Taehyung a cold stare before strolling to the kitchen to find a few men heaving the dead body out of the apartment. The thugs were scrubbing and dabbing the blood with hydrogen peroxide to clean up the nasty blood spill. Yoongi was busy instructing the men while Taehyung stood beside me with a restless expression. He seems calm... but I know he's very anxious because he keeps rubbing his hands together.

"Sir," A man walked up to Taehyung and handed him a few freshly printed photographs of the dead man's corpse. I turned to stare at Taehyung without uttering a single word. He gulped uneasily at my harsh silent treatment and shoved the pictures into his pocket. Taehyung tried to convince me to leave the room, but I refused to listen and watched the thugs until they cleaned up the entire kitchen. The dead man disappeared after an hour of intensive cleaning. Not a single trace of blood was left, and the evidence was destroyed. The kitchen was polished, as new as ever. No one would have guessed a person was recently murdered in this room. The only suspicion was the foul chemical smell of the hydrogen peroxide used to destroy the bloody evidence. I slowly walked into the living room with my arms crossed after the men left, turning to find Yoongi sighing on the couch with his head hung low, finally averting my eyes to Taehyung. He was oddly quiet while studying me with his hands clasped together. Like a guilty child...

"I'm heading out," Yoongi sighed and got up to leave the apartment because he couldn't stand staying behind after covering the disturbing murder for his boss. I sighed and walked back to my room to collect my phone and clothes to place it in my bag when I felt Taehyung entering the room after me. He quietly watched me pack my things without uttering a single word.

"I'm going home," I whispered, turning to find him leaning against the door with a troubled expression. I slowly walked toward him, but he refused to let me out and reached out to hold my waist with an apologetic expression.

"You said you won't leave my side," Taehyung whispered.

"I said I'm going home," I exhaled, dryly staring at him with my listless eyes.

"Jiyoung- please-"

"Step aside. Don't make me repeat myself," I coldly interrupted. Taehyung gulped at my withdrawn behavior and stepped aside as I instructed him.

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