Love Candidate - Election Day - Chapter 13

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Why am I never enough!?

Jungkook stood with his eyebrows furrowed and stared at me speechlessly until I burst into tears because I could no longer hold back my feelings for him. He was too dumbfounded to react to the situation, so I rubbed away my tears in defeat when he refused to respond to me and turned to walk away from him.

"Jiyoung I-"

"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk with you right now," I muttered, tugging my hand back when Jungkook reached out for me.

"Jiyoung, wait-" I didn't let Jungkook finish his sentence and slammed the gate shut in his face. Sobbing in distress, I slowly walked into my house and collapsed onto the door with my hands gripped in my hair. What's the purpose of my life? It feels like I'm stuck in the exact position no matter how hard I try to sprint forward. Why does it feel like I'm trapped in my own life? It's my fucking life, so why can't I have control of it? Why is everything caught up in the storm when I'm trying so hard to walk on the right path? What do I want? I don't even know anymore. I'm lost, and I really don't know what to do.

I finally got up and walked to my room to take a warm bath because I felt really stuffy. I slowly walked toward my bed to stare at the stained bedsheet, suddenly recalling vivid flashbacks of Taehyung. I stood without blinking as I recalled the way Taehyung struggled with his pain. He didn't scream. Instead, he bit his lips and muffled against me as I held onto his hand. A child... afraid to show his weakness because even if he cried for help... no one will notice him anyways. If I cry for help... will anyone hear me? I forced out my thoughts and pulled off the dirty bedsheet to put in the laundry, then returned to replace the sheet on my bed when I heard something drop on the floor, so I crouched down to find... Taehyung's gun? Huh? Why did he leave it here? I furrowed my eyebrows and lifted it up unsurely. Why is it so light? I blinked at the gun and slowly pulled the trigger-


"AH!" I screamed, stumbling in panic until I fell back onto my butt, accidentally dropping the gun when the colorful confetti exploded in my face. I panted in shock as I stared at the toy gun on the floor before me in disbelief. He used a toy gun all this time??? To threaten me??? I quickly scrambled towards the gun, lifting it up to find a small note stuck to it.

A gift for my blood donor.

I weakly smiled at the ugly scribble on the paper and chuckled by myself before averting my eyes to the mess on the floor. He's so weird. I placed the toy gun on the nightstand while shaking my head and proceeded to clean the room. For some unknown reason, I felt a lot better after finding Taehyung's toy gun, so I strolled down the stairs and opened the fridge to find it stuffed with fresh food. Huh? Did Taehyung fill my fridge before he left? That's so thoughtful of him. I decided to cook with the available ingredients, packed the food and left my house to grab a taxi. I'm going to visit Seokjin.

"I brought you food~" I announced as I slipped off my shoes by the door, then entered Seokjin's living room to find him sitting on his couch.

"Oh? Jiyoung. What a coincidence! Your father came to see me," Seokjin immediately got onto his feet to greet me. I abruptly halted when I realized there was another person in the room, and my body turned numb when the man turned to look at me. A sudden flash of triggering memories filled my head as soon as his eyes met mine.

"My daughter! I haven't seen you in so long! Wah! I missed you~!" My stepfather unexpectedly pulled me into a crushing hug. THUD. I accidentally dropped my lunchbox when I felt his cold touch over my body, making me tremble in fear as he held onto me. My stepfather eventually pulled away to beam at me. I slowly turned to find Seokjin frowning at us, so I gripped my fist to stay composed. Fuck! I can't lose control! I avoided Jaehyun's eyes, shakily bending down to pick up the lunch box, but before I reached it- Seokjin grabbed the lunch box off the floor, and placed his arm over my shoulder. I gulped and turned to face my stepfather as he smirked at me with a bone-chilling gaze, making me shudder at his deadly energy. I glanced away uncomfortably while standing beside Seokjin as I struggled to stay calm.

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