Love Candidate - Free Trial - Chapter 9

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Seokjin and I sat in silence after listening to his childhood story in his car. He's such a selfless person. If he was so protective of his step brothers... Why are they treating him like this? Why is Namjoon seizing Seokjin's position, and why is Taehyung messing around with Seokjin's love affair? What went wrong?

"That's why he thinks he's entitled to have you," Seokjin whispered, turning to look at me apologetically. I sighed at his words and turned to meet his eyes.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be cautious around Taehyung," I smiled weakly. I'm glad Seokjin told me a glimpse of his past. It's enough to help me understand Taehyung's problematic behavior. I know what I'm dealing with now. Seokjin exhaled, got out of the car, and pulled the door open for me.

"Thank you for being honest with me," Seokjin smiled after shutting the door as he stood before me.

"I told you I don't like to be misunderstood," I chuckled while shaking my head. I'm relieved to know he's aware of his brother's intention because hopefully... there won't be any issues related to Taehyung between us. I have to be honest with him and he'll do the same for me.

"I've told you my side of the story... so one day... I hope you'll tell me yours too," Seokjin smiled, gently holding on to my hands as he stared at me with a yearning gaze.

"My story? I told you already-"

"No. I know there's something you're struggling with in your past. I can tell with the way you respond to certain situations or people. Until you're ready, I'll be patient with you because I really want you to trust me. I won't force or rush you. Take your time," Seokjin chuckled, gently shaking his head at me. My heart burned intensely at his words as I stood staring at him. He left me speechless.

"The more you know about me, the less you'll like me," I sighed. Seokjin didn't react to my discouraging words and stared at me in silence as he rubbed my knuckle. Slowly, he leaned forward, so I closed my eyes to expect a peck on my face, but he didn't kiss my cheek or forehead. Instead, he pressed his soft against mine. I froze in my position when Seokjin placed his warm hand against my cheek as he steadily grazed his lips over mine. I gripped his other hand tightly when I realized he had finally kissed me.

"Try me," Seokjin whispered against my face, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb until my face flushed red. And before I could respond to him, he pulled me back into a deep kiss. I gripped his waist as he firmly held onto my jawline. I shakily exhaled as he drew me by my waist to hold me against his body.

"I'm out of breath," I whispered as I struggled to catch my breath against his lips, so he slowly pulled away from my face with a weak smile. He's a good kisser.

"The free trial is over, so I'll start charging you with my love from now on," Seokjin smiled as I stared at him with my rosy cheeks. I'm vulnerable to affection because I'm deprived of it. How long can I walk on the edge of this game without falling for him? I don't know.

"Why do you keep saying it's a free trial-"

"Not you. But me. I'm your free trial. Let me inside your heart if you like me, and I promise to fill you up with my affection," Seokjin bit down on his lips as he smiled at me. I chuckled and lightly smacked his chest when I realized he was teasing me as he gently combed his fingers through my hair with a wide smile.

"You should head home," I shook my head in disbelief.

"I'll leave when you're safe inside your house," Seokjin nodded at my gate. Smiling, I tiptoed to give him a gentle peck on his cheek before walking toward my house. Seokjin waved at me, so I smiled at him and closed the gate. I walked into my house with my hand on my burning cheeks.

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