53 - date

372 10 2

nick nelson
soooo about that date

y/n y/l/n

nick nelson
you still up for it?

y/n y/l/n

so we schedule a meet up downtown and as i'm walking there i see nick. i run up to him and hug him.

"hey," he says.

"hi," i reply.

the entire night we practically spend going around shops holding hands and running around like two idiots in love. as we're doing that it begins raining. personally i have really mixed feelings about rain.

"shit, uh, i don't have an umbrella, do you want my hoodie?" nick asks. then i realize i don't have a jacket and i'm shivering as well. god, he's so nice. a little bit too nice sometimes.

"no, it's fine- i don't want you to be cold as well," i say.

"i'm not taking no for an answer," he replies while beginning to take off his hoodie. as he does his shirt lifts up a little bit and his stomach is exposed for a split second. he hands it to me and i put it on.

they're insanely comforting (and they smell really nice, but not in a weird creepy way).

"y/n, can i tell you something?" he asks as we continue walking.

"sure, what is it?" i respond. he stops walking but i continue walking and then he grabs me hand, which tells me he wants us both to stop walking. i guess this is something really important.

"i really really love you," he says. i chuckle.

"nick, you say that all the time, i know," i reply. he doesn't seem to view it as a joke. maybe he wasn't joking.

"no, but like- i truly really am in love with you," he says. this has to be a joke, right? he says that literally all the time. why is he treating it so importantly now?

"nick, you say this all the time," i respond. he doesn't reply to that and just kisses me. it feels almost as if it's a movie scene: kissing in the rain.

we pull away from eachother and then proceed to just look at eachother. we don't say anything and just stare into eachother. he stands there looking at me with his deep brown eyes and wet soaked hair.

"i love you too," i mutter back.

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