48 - prom night (pt 3)

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my heart drops. so does nick's.

a wave of cheers and claps is heard throughout the large, loud crowd. everyone's cheering and clapping. well, all except for me.

sure, i'm really happy for nick.. but it's just that it makes me feel terrible because i feel like he deserves so much better than i can give him. he deserves more than what i am and what i have.

nick walks up to stage hesitantly as i watch, trying not to tear up. however, i'm failing miserably as my tears have begun forming and my cheeks are going red.

and now it's become worse.

"can i say something real quick?" imogen asks as she goes up to the microphone.

"um.. sure," our principal says.

"nick, i just wanted to say that.. i really, really like you. i've liked you ever since year 11 and you're such a wonderful person and i really hope you feel the same way," she says, while facing toward nick.


everyone in the audience begins to say "awww" and whisper to eachother. this is when i realize that i never made it clear that nick and i got back together. when he promposed to me only some of the year 13 kids saw. imogen was not one of them.

she doesn't know that nick and i are together.

before anyone can say anything else or nick can respond to that she walks up to him and kisses him. i feel like crying. and what makes it even worse is that the audience is cheering and clapping. for them. for imogen and nick.

everyone is.

i see charlie, tao and elle from afar and they shoot me a worried glance. i pretend that i didn't see them and walk out of the gymnasium before i begin to cry even more and people see me crying.

this night went from being the best night of my life to the fucking worst.

i sit down by the fountain and begin letting it all out. the tears running down my cheeks smothers all the touch ups i did to my face and soaks up my outfit. i don't even care. i just want to go home. i don't want anyone to come and talk to me. i just want to leave already.

before i do leave charlie, tao and elle run out from the gymnasium and surround me.

"y/n, i'm so sorry," charlie says, hugging me.

they all begin comforting me and saying nice things but i don't pay attention to anything that they're saying. i just want to be left alone, for god's sake. before i can say anything nick walks out of the gymnasium and sees all of us. charlie, tao and elle shoot him a dirty look before walking away and leaving me and nick alone.


beautiful boy - nick nelson x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ