3 - rugby

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first rugby practice.

i walk out onto the field. i regret agreeing to charlie already. charlie's explaining all the rules to me, but i'm not really listening. suddenly nick runs over to us.

"y/n!! i didn't know you played rugby." he says enthusiastically.
"oh. i don't. charlie kind of forced me into this." i say, which makes him chuckle a bit.
"i can teach you some of the basic stuff if you want." he says.

i look over at charlie. he said he'd teach me the basic stuff, but i don't wanna seem rude to nick.
he nods, as if he knew what i was thinking. "it's fine. nick's better than me at rugby anyway."

nick and charlie have always been pretty good friends, but only because they both played rugby.

mrs singh, the rugby coach, walks over to us three.
"y/n!! welcome to the team!" she says. then she turns to nick.

"hey nick, how about you teach y/n some of the basic rules and stuff for today's practice?"
he nods his head.

      ( around 3 weeks pass, and you've been on the rugby team for a decent amount of practices. )

i hate to admit it, but i'm actually having some fun playing rugby. i'm not necessarily good at it, but i look forward to practices every week. and hanging out with nick. i actually think we've gotten rather close over this time!

i'm changing in the locker room cause practice just ended. everyone has already left the locker room since i stayed behind to help mrs singh clean up the field. before i leave i notice that nick left his jumper on the changing bench. i debate over whether i should bring it with me and give it to him tomorrow or just leave it.

i bring it with me, surprisingly. in most cases i probably wouldn't. it sounds creepy but his jumper has this very specific 'nick nelson' smell to it. jesus that makes me sound way weirder than i actually am.

i figure i'll just bring to school tomorrow and then give it to him. we don't have rugby practice tomorrow since tomorrow's wednesday.

wow, me being a nice person! how interesting!

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