10 - explanation

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y/n pov

"do you like imogen?" i ask.
shit, i shouldn't have asked that. that's invasive.

"shit. oh shit." he keeps repeating that over and over again. "you saw us kiss, didn't you?"
i nod shyly. "yeah."
he puts his hand on his forehead.

"y/n, i can explain. i don't like imogen. she kissed me. i didn't kiss her." he says, all super frantically.
"so.. you don't like anyone?" i ask. shit, i just did it again. i just asked another invasive question.
"well, no.. i didn't say that." he says. oh.

"oh." before i can say anything else he interrupts me.

"do you wanna leave and go to my place?" he asks. the questions surprises me a bit.

"sure." i answer. i'm actually really happy. nick nelson just invited me over to his house.

we go out of ben's house and begin walking toward nick's. all of a sudden nick puts his jacket on me.

"aren't you cold?" i ask.
"you seem like you need it a little more than i do, so yeah." he smiles. his smile is literally the most comforting thing in my life right now. just seeing it makes me feel safe.

we get there. he brings me over to his room and gives me a blanket. we watch films together and we play video games together. we fall asleep on his bed, in the same position we fell asleep at my house. my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around my body.

there's something about him that just makes me feel safe. something about him that makes me feel like the whole world could pass on without us and we would be okay as long as we're next to eachother.

and then it hits me.

we're not dating.

he likes somebody.

that somebody probably isn't me.

beautiful boy - nick nelson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now