43 - the music block (TW)

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TW: sexual assault

rugby practice just ended. i'm walking out of the school and that's when i get a notification saying i got a direct message from someone on instagram. i open it. when i see who it is my heart drops.

ben hope. ben fucking hope. i wasn't even aware he had an instagram until now. i read the message.

ben hope
hey, y/n, ik it's been a long time since then and you probably don't forgive me but i just wanted to apologize for the way i treated you at that party last year. it's been on my head for a long time and i feel super bad. i was a total dickhead and i'm so sorry. i want to apologize for more things in person so if you're reading this after rugby practice please meet me in the music block after practice so i can officially apologize for all the shitty things i did to you, and i just wanted to say again that i'm so sorry.

oh. he's apologizing. he's a good person. everything's okay. i guess i could meet him, right? i mean, all he wants to say is sorry. everything's going to be okay. so i go and walk out to the music block and into the corridor.

"hey, i'm here," a voice says from the room next to me. it's ben. i walk into the room and say hi to him. then he begins speaking.

"um, so actually i wanted to talk to you about something else." he says. oh.

"what is it?" i ask.

"look, y/n, i know you don't like nick," he replies. what the fuck is he talking about?

"w- what?"

"i know you like me."

"no, ben, i do not like you. not like that."

"don't fucking lie to me."

"i'm not."

"i know you like me, y/n!" he yells. before i can say anything left he pins me to the wall and begins kissing me. i immediately flinch. it's giving me flashbacks.

"stop it!" i yell. he doesn't stop.

"aww, you're exactly the same person you were last time we did this," he laughs. "and this time you don't have your little boyfriend protecting you."

"get off of me!" i scream. he doesn't reply. then he begins taking off my shirt. shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

fucking shit!

beautiful boy - nick nelson x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant