51 - last day of high school

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i'm on the verge of tears as i walk into the school corridor. today is my last day of year 13. my last day of high school. wow, that is a lot to take in.

as i walk into the school i see plenty of kids in my year crying and taking selfies with their friends. i wouldn't blame them. i'll admit, i'm a bit sad as well. i've made so many memories at truham and it's hard to let all of them go.

i'm walking through the corridor over to my locker and that's when nick full-on sprints toward me and gives me a huge ass hug.

"i love you so much," he mutters.

"i love you too," i reply. we embrace in a hug for what feels like forever. today is the last day that i'm going to be in the same school as him.

last day that im going to be in the same school as any of these people i see right now. it makes me sad just thinking about it. charlie and tao run toward us and immediately charlie pulls out his phone and takes a selfie of all of us together. nick does the same and so does tao.

. . . . . . . . . . .

it's now 2:50 PM. my last day of high school ends in 10 minutes. all the year 13s are gathered in the hallway together and the teachers are with us as well. it's sort of "truham tradition" for the year 13s to gather together on the last day of school and to simply embrace eachother's company.

i see a bunch of kids balling their eyes out and i wouldn't blame them. i'm actually doing the same.

"i love you all so much and i hope you guys have a wonderful future after today," our principal announces.

there's a bunch of decorations around the corridors:
a banner saying in bright blue letters: "CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!" as well as a bunch of handmade posters by the younger grades.

then everyone is suddenly caught off guard when a bunch of bright colored confetti is shot out of the ceiling. everyone cheers and claps and cries.

i do as well.

i'm going to miss this.

beautiful boy - nick nelson x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora