17 - california

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it's the day.
it's the day of the trip to southern california.

i have been looking forward to this trip a lot. not because of how much i love traveling, but only because i'm gonna get to spend more time with nick. and tao and charlie, obviously.

i'm planning to try my best to enjoy this trip, because it's one of my last trips i'll be able to take here at truham. next year i'll be in year 13. and then i'll graduate highschool. and then there comes university.

and here i am, on this plane. on my way to a trip i hope i'll remember (in a good way, obviously).

. . . . . . . . . .

we've arrived at our hotel and we open the door to the hotel room we're gonna be sleeping in for the next week.

tao immediately runs in and jumps on the bed.

"i love this already" he yells enthusiastically.

"this room is so pretty!!" charlie adds.

the room is very nice, but there are only two beds.

"i'm definitely taking this bed," tao says while jumping on the bed on the far side of the window, "i hate being woken up by sunlight."

"well, i fucking hate sunlight too so i suppose we're sharing." charlie adds while jumping onto the other side of the bed. tao and charlie are incredibly close, so i figure they probably don't mind.

"just us sharing one then?" nick asks while turning his head to me.

"just us." i reply.

he smiles at me and we begin unpacking all of our stuff.

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