My phone vibrates, and I glance at it. 


I smile, our date's today! I completely forgot, oh shit, I need an excuse, I don't even know what we're doing, I sigh and glance at Damon, I pick up my phone and click on the text. 

Joe: I'll be in the parking lot of your hotel at 2.

Me: Okay.

"I booked a spa day." He hums, that was so random, I hope I get away with this, "We so need it." I laugh and shove him lightly, "No for me, I need a break to prepare myself." He frowns, "I understand, let me drop you off then." I panic, "No, it's fine, I can call a taxi." He smiles, "You know soon you won't be able to go anywhere without some sort of security." I roll my eyes, "Yeah, that's exactly why I need this." He rests his head on my shoulder, "You're about to be put in a position I know you hate, and I might sound like an asshole but I'm so glad that you did this." 

I couldn't stop the smile even if I wanted to, "I'm glad I did it too." He hums, eyes closed, a small smile playing on his lips. 

I look out the window as the car pulls up to the hotel, I roll my eyes at the crowd in front of the hotel, I hope Damon wouldn't mind me ditching him, I have a date to get ready for. 

"Ma'am." I smile at Tony, "I've told you, call me Jackie." He smiles, "Sorry, I can dodge you through the crowd while Damon tends to them." The door is open but he's blocking the public view of the car, "Damon." He stretches, "What's going on?" I sigh, "What else? I really need this spa day, do you mind?" He hums rubbing his eye, "No, you go ahead, I'll take a few pics and meet you up at the room, will you be back for dinner?" I chew my lip, "I don't know, I might eat before I come." He hums, "Okay, yeah, text me if you change your mind." I nod scooting out of the car. 

I use my hair as a curtain and Tony uses his body to shield me, a few questions are thrown my way but the focus shifts when Damon steps out of the car smiling, I glance back once inside to see him taking some pictures with supporters and signing autographs. 

I thank Tony and scurry to my room, I avoid the elevator choosing to take the back stairs because not many people use it and our room is on the second floor so it isn't that much of a walk. 

I open the door and facetime Logan setting it down on the dresser, he answers after two rings while I'm stripping out of my clothes, "Wow, okay, love the view." I laugh, "No stupid, what should I wear?" I bend over to rummage through my suitcase, "I'm wearing grey sweats and a hoodie, wear something simple, something you won't get noticed in." I hum holding up a hoodie that's more like a dress on me, "This?" He nods, "Yeah, that works, do something with your hair too, I'd rather not have the paparazzi crash this." I nod sitting on the chair in front of the dresser, grabbing some makeup wipes I start cleaning my face, "Okay, I'll be down in three minutes, back door." 

I end the call just as Damon steps into the room, "Who was that?" I glance at him through the mirror, "The spa." He hums standing behind me, he pushes my hair together and picks up a rubber band to tie it in a ponytail, "Thanks." He nods moving back a bit but not leaving my back, "That's what you're wearing?" I nod selecting my jewelry, "Yeah, I have to get naked anyway." 

That wasn't a lie, no matter the outcome of this date Logan and I are going to remain fuck buddies. 

His eyes turn skeptical, "And how are you getting there?" I could pull this off, "Uber." He shakes his head, "Absolutely not, I'll drive you." I sigh turning to look up at him, "Damon, we talked about this in the car, I'll be fine, the paps don't care that much about me so my face isn't everywhere yet and unless they're a huge fan of Nicolas Abelli they'll have no idea who I am." His eyes soften although the scowl remains, "You can watch me get in the car?" He smiles, "I'll walk you to the car." 

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