Chapter 10

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It's graduation day, the days flew by fast, too fast if you asked me. 

Julie and I hate each other more than ever now, I can barely stand her presence, however, I haven't hit her recently so that's a plus, but Damon is still up my ass about being a bitch to her, I don't care though. 

The guys have successfully moved out of their campus apartment too, Matthew and I went to New Orleans to help him settle in before he officially moves there, I could only stay the weekend but he's been there until about a week ago. 

I race down the stairs, making my way down to the foyer, "No running, please, you'll scuff my marble floors." I smile at her, adjusting my bra strap falling off my shoulder, "I love you too mum." She rolls her eyes heading out the door, "Hurry up girls, I'll be in the car." 

I fix my sweetheart neck floral dress, Matthew requested this specific dress, adjusting my sunglasses I glance at my reflection on the fridge door, "Ready?" I nod linking arms with Olivia as we make our way outside, "Good morning Anders." Our butler smiles at us, "Good morning Giannina, Olivia." I frown, I hate that name, "Please Anders, I've told you to call me Jackie." He gives me a pointed stare, and I roll my eyes, I don't understand why he's hell-bent on that name, "You should hurry, your mother is waiting for you." 

Olivia snickers as we make our way into the car, she sits up front with mum and I take the back, glancing at me through the rearview mirror my mum smiles taking note of my sour mood, "Cheer up darling, it's graduation day." My frown turns into a scowl as Olivia snickers, pulling the seatbelt across her chest, "Anders called her by her legal name, and now she's a pouter." She laughs, muttering something about how I'm just like my father before starting the drive.

I was about to snark back at her when my phone vibrates so I choose to be civil and I tune out the conversation as I respond to Matthew. 

Big papa❤️: How far are you? I want to sneak in a quickie before I have to deal with my cousins. 

Big papa❤️: Did you wear the dress I told you to? I don't want to give my mother something to complain about today, you know how she is.

That's my boyfriend, always the charmer, I roll my eyes as irritation floods my veins, but I push it aside, I shouldn't be angry, or irritated, today is his day, he's graduating, and I won't see him for months, anger is not the right emotion for the day. 

I respond, so he doesn't pitch a fit when I get there.

Me: Thirty minutes out, which cousins are coming?

Big papa❤️: Daniel and his sister. 

I hated them, they're from his mother's side and it shows, I cringe remembering the first time I met them, Daniel tried to fuck me and so did Camilla, actually, they tried to have a threesome, that's weird, on so many levels, I am not excited to see them again.

Me: Okay, I'll see you soon darling.

"Stop texting, and please no sneaking off, they can't be late." I smile at my mom nodding as she pulls into the parking lot. It's flooded with flashing lights from cameras, mum sighs, "Can't they ever get a hint?" The car is surrounded as she parks, which was already hard in itself. 

Olivia and I are crowded as we step out of the door, I place my sunglasses on and my mum rounds the car taking our hands in hers she tugs us away from the questions and cameras yelling at them to back up or she'd sue, if I hated them then, I loathe them now.

Let me explain, Damon's movie is wrapping up, so that means interviews, teasers, and all that movie pizzaz before the official trailer and release date drop, so his face is splashed across every billboard, magazine page, and youtube ad which in turn means his fame rises, that rubs off on us because we're close to him, but it's less look at them and more of look at who they know. 

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