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"men" "Alena. Men. How are things?" "Quiet" "hasn't come out?" "No" "right" "simmo?" "What?" "I love you" "I love you" simmo stormed inside and kicked the door in. "CONNIE" entering the bathroom simmo looked around. "NO" walking back to the bedroom, simmo looked at the sheet that hung on the wall. "Simmo. What's the go?" Simmo moved towards the sheet and ripped it down.

'It's full of hate. It's full of betrayal. It's full of disgust. Vile humans tearing apart anyone they can for their own self love. What happens when they fall? What happens when they have no one left to destroy?. They will destroy each other. Tear their bodies apart. looking at each other like they're their last meal. The taste of BLOOD seeps through their veins, not a soul to trust. Not a heart to win. Like a predator, they will find their next meal, continuing until there is no more. Rip families apart, kill the young all to move up the food chain. Even the highest fall. Fall harder, faster and die at the hands of another. All the fight for nothing, all to rot. Dig deep and lay them in, fill their bodies with dirt as they take their last breath. Full of strength, until they fall. Full of stealth until there is no health. Full of speed for the greed. For the want to control. To hurt. To torture. To manipulate. To make others believe they are doing good when all they are doing is destroying the world. It's all darkness. Through the smiles, through the laughter, its a fucking disaster. Through the wells it's dry. No water to survive. dying of thirst. Like a volcano it will erupt. Erupt the fire within. let's go back to where we begin. Fuck this world and the murderers that live in it. I see the light, the light at the end of tunnel. It's bright and pulling me in, pulling me deeper than life within. All the hate and all the betrayal, I leave behind.. but it's in their mind' 

Simmo slammed his hand to the wall "SIMMO" Simmo kept reading the words. Over and over they invaded his thoughts. Simmo swallowed hard as he dropped to his knees "I'M SORRY. I'M FUCKING SORRY" Arlo and kelvin dragged simmo out as others all walked in to the room "she's gone" "Ashton.." Ashton looked at the words written on the wall. "SHES GONE TO FUCKING KILL HERSELF" "wheres Jackson?" Everyone looked around while Alena sat outside sipping on her scotch as a small proud smile sat on her face 'she did it. She escaped the blood line. She escaped this life. I can hear all of them yelling and screaming but I'm at peace knowing she is following her heart. This life was never for her' with that last thought, Alena put her hand in her pocket and grabbed out her gun. 'It's been a hell of a ride. One I never wanted. Just like that girl, all I have wanted is love and peace' Alena sculled the rest of her can and put it on the table. 'take me in your arms and pull me close. I want to be loved, be with the ones who loved me the most' Alena put the gun to her temple.

Hearing a gun shot, all the men looked at each other. The first two to run out were simmo and Arlo. "What's..ALENA" simmo raced her way just as the gun fell from her hand "NOOOO.." simmo held her in his arms as he rocked her "I have always loved you Alena. Always" the men all stood still. 'she took her own life. She couldnt take it anymore' ezekiel, Dan, Kai, Nolan and Mason all put their heads down in respect. 'she was an amazing woman' 'fuck. She did so much for us' 'she did a lot for so many' 'she took it to the grave. I know she helped them escape. She did what she felt was right' all men had watery eyes as they watched simmo with Alena. 'i can't do this' Ezekiel walked off and down to the watering hole and sat down on the edge. Kai moved to the graves of Levi and christian. Nolan, Dan and Mason all walked away while the rest of the men separated.

"Jackson" "yeah?" "Look" Jackson removed his eyes from Connie and looked around. 'its gorgeous. From what I can see of the island. Large palm trees, sandy beach, huts, houses. It's more than I imagined. "are you joking me?" Connie internally grinned as realization hit Jackson "how the hell did you.." Jackson pulled Connie close and kissed her head "told ya" Jackson let a small laugh slip. As the boat pulled in, all five waited until it completely stopped. Grabbing their belongings all five walked off the ship and onto the sand. "welcome home connie and Jackson". "SIMONE, RAYMOND AND SEAN, ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU. oh who are these two Wonderful people?" "Connie and Jackson" "we have been waiting for your arrival. Everything is set up for you and as requested for Jackson too" Jackson showed a massive grin. "it's lovely to finally meet you Yvonne" "and you too Connie and Jackson. Let's get you all settled in" "can't wait" all walking up to the huts, Yvonne grinned "this one right here is yours and Jackson's. Settle in and come join us for a banquet" "we'd love too" entering the hut, Jackson's eyes lit up. "Wow" "it really is perfect. Enough space.." Jackson picked Connie up and Connie instantly wrapped her legs around him "I don't know how and I don't know when but I'm thankful you let me be here with you" Connie showed a gentle smile. Sucking on her bottom lip, Jackson let it go before crashing his lips on Connies. Sharing a long kiss, both of them pulled away only for Jackson to kiss her neck. "Definitely need a shower. You taste like the ocean" Connie laughed "yeah we better" finding clothes for both of them, Connie took a deep breath. "Are you alright?" "It's.. yep I will get over it" "the clothes?" "Yeah" "can't always be in hoods" "just remember I'm not going to be wearing bras" Jackson's eyes went wide "never?" "No" "but the men?" "Ehh they better not touch I will kick them in the throat" "you will get me pregnant Connie" Connie laughed as she entered the bathroom. "I'm joining that shower" "thought you might" Jackson grinned.

"Come on. We can't stay in here" "it's the food right?" "Yep" "figures" both getting out, dry and dressed, Jackson looked over Connie's outfit. 'fuck she is incredible. I have never seen her in shorts and a singlet but she is beyond perfect and she is all mine' Connie brushed her hair then messed it up a little. "You look gorgeous" Connie grinned "thanks Jackson. Ready?" "More than" both exiting the hut, Yvonne showed a massive smile as she rushed down to meet Connie and Jackson. "Wow you look incredible. Come, there's plenty of food. Do you like the hut?" "We both love it" "if you need anything, we are always around" "we appreciate it Yvonne" "well holy crap. Is this the new and improved Connie?" "She can't improve" Simone grinned"you are right about that. Just waiting on.." "Nuh I'm here. Let's dig in. I'm starving" "that's normal". All filling their plates, they all dug in. 'i could get used to this' 'so much food. This so good' "quiet bunch when eating" "that's a conversation starter right there" "we like food" "where does it all go?" "I run a lot" "that does help. Burns a lot of energy too" "she may slow down around here" Connie grinned "it's a possibility" all finishing their meals, four waiters came their way. 'even waiters' "thank you" "you are all very welcome" "let's go have a look at the stunning beach" "it's on the other side" "what could be more stunning than this side" "oh just you wait" all standing up, they followed Yvonne and Simone. Walking down a long winding path, after ten minutes of walking they all came to a clearing. "oh wow" "it really is stunning" "calming" "relaxing" Connie internally grinned. Making her way down the sand, Connie sat down and had a look around. 'this place is better than I can ever imagine'.
"I have never seen her so relaxed" "nor I. It's good for all of us" Sean grinned "it is" Sean walked to his mom while Jackson walked up behind Connie and moved sit in behind her pulling her to his front. "I knew it was an island but this is definitely something else" Jackson grinned as he kissed her shoulder. "Everything I could ever want and need is right here" Connie looked up and behind her as Jackson gave her direct eye contact "your eyes are exactly like the ocean that surrounds us. A view I will never get sick of" Connie kissed Jackson's jaw. "nor I".

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