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'my days are all the same like at the other house. Wake up, follow orders and go back to sleep. Every day I dread it. I haven't spoke a word in months. I haven't raised my head to look at any of the men and I haven't made a move I shouldn't. He hasn't touched me sexually which I am thankful for but I know it will happen. "Who are you?" "Mom" Bronson immediately stood up. "Who is this?" Bronson took a deep breath "I don't know" "don't know and she is your home. Listen here you little slut, get out and don't come back" Mallory stood up and Bronson spoke "DONT FUCKING MOVE" "Bronson.." Bronson sighed "her family stole from me.." "YOU STOLE OFF OF MY SON" "NOT HER" Alena shook her head "why is she here?" "To pay for her family's crime" "did she do it?" "No the family gave her to me" "GAVE HER TO YOU?" "Mom.." "GAVE HER TO YOU?" Bronson sighed "yes" "how long has she been here?" "Three months" "and you don't know who she is?" "No" "SPEAK UP" Mallory kept her head down "what is your name?" "Speak" "Mallory ma'am" Bronson kept his head at a low as Alena moved around the table and sat down. 'thats the first time I have heard her speak' "Mallory can you tell me why you are here?" "Joanne and Tom gave me to Bronson" "who are they?" "The people who brought me into this world" Alena looked at Bronson then back to Mallory. "They aren't your parents?" "I was not allowed to address them that way" "why not?" "I'm the dud" "dud?" "Yes ma'am" "who stole from my son?" "Bethany" "and she is?" "A sibling" "and what did she steal?" "I don't know ma'am" "how do you not know?" "I wasn't allowed to know anything" "why is that?" "I'm worthless" Alena looked at Bronson as his head was down then back to Mallory as Mallory kept her head down. "Is it that you don't like to give people eye contact?" "I'm not allowed" Bronson raised his head "I never fucking said that.." Alena put her hand up. "Why are you not allowed?" "I'm only a disgrace to the world. No one wants to see me. I will never be loved anyway" Bronson took a deep breath as Alena put her hand under Mallory's chin and raised her head. For the first time since she was a child, Mallory raised her head and looked at someone. Mallory's eyes watered "I'm not allowed.." Alena immediately pulled her in for a hug 'this poor girl has been through hell and back' 'what is my mom doing?' Alena pulled away and wiped Mallory's tears away as Mallory put her head back down. "When was the last time you were allowed to do that Mallory?" "When I was five" "FIVE?" Mallory shrunk back and Alena sighed "this is not.. what the fuck is with that? This is far from okay. Mallory you can keep your head raised. How old are you?" "Eighteen ma'am" "thirteen years?" "Yes ma'am" Alena took a deep breath "this is far from okay. Raise your head Mallory. You do not need to keep your head down here" Mallory raised her head "I'm not used to seeing people ma'am" "I can see why they kept you hidden. You are a very beautiful woman" "thank you ma'am" "by the way you said that, it was polite and yet you don't believe it" "I don't.." "don't what?" "I don't like looking at myself" "why is that?" "I don't know ma'am" "come with me" Alena grabbed Mallory's hand and pulled her through the house to the main bathroom. "MOM.." "shut it Bronson" Bronson stood by the wall and Alena stood in front of Mallory. "I'm going to remove that hood" "yes ma'am" 'shes very polite' Alena removed Mallory's hood then took her hair out of the bun. "Wow your hair is very long and like silk" Mallory kept her face hidden from Bronson. Alena moved to stand in front of Mallory as Bronson took a deep breath 'long dark brown hair. She is different to that Bethany slut' "you are very beautiful. Long and straight dark brown hair with natural highlights I'm guessing. Ocean blue eyes, the perfect nose, high cheek bones and wow your lips, I'd kill for them" a small smile showed on Mallory's face "and two very cute dimples. You need to block out whatever those awful people have said and look at yourself in the mirror" "ma'am.." "Alena. You are very polite for someone who has come from such a bad family" "I like to be respectful" alena grinned "have a look" Mallory took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. "All those features are gorgeous. You have such a beautiful face, a very stunning figure and you are very polite" Mallory put her head down and her hood back on. "If I have to come here everyday to drill it into you, I will. Those people are very jealous. Are you the younger sister?" "Yes ma'am" "how many years?" "Six minutes" "she's your twin?" "Yes but we aren't alike" "at all?" "No ma'am" "you like to hide yourself away?" "I'm not used.." "not used to someone wanting your attention?" "Not unless it's for favors" "favors?" "Yes ma'am" "do you drink coffee?" "Not in a few months" "come on" Bronson tried getting a clear view of Mallory's face but couldn't. 'mom has me curious'.
"Mom, we need to go out" "Why can't Mallory stay here with me?" "I don't trust her.." "I'm not leaving Bronson" Bronson sighed "fine. Don't do anything you fucking shouldn't" "BRONSON" 'i can't argue with my mom'.

"Now remove that hood" Mallory removed her hood again. "how do you have your coffee?" "White with one please" "very well mannered. Tell me about that sister of yours?" "My opinion or others?" "Yours?" "She's self-centered, uneducated, far from conservative, spoilt, not beautiful on the inside.." "I don't like her already. Who does she look like?" "My mother" "and you are your father?" "Tom and I both have dark brown hair and blue eyes" "your eyes are a mix of blue and green. They resemble an ocean. Very beautiful" "thank you. May I ask.." "ask any question you want. I'm an open book" "are you close with Bronson?" "Yes. Now I understand why he hasn't come around. He had kept you here" "and at the club" "he took you to the club?" "Yes. I'm not trustworthy" "you did not take anything?" "I could not do that. That's stealing and against the law" Alena grinned as she placed the coffee in front of Mallory. "Let's go sit in the dining room" "okay".
"Alena..." Mallory immediately put her hood on. "Is Bronson not here?" "No he's not. I believe he has gone to the club" Jackson nodded. "Mallory would you like some biscuits?" "That would be lovely. Thank you" Jackson's eyes went wide. 'mallory?. She actually spoke?' "did you get a shock that she can talk, Jackson?" "I haven't heard her speak" Alena shook her head "doesn't fucking surprise me. MALLORY ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING?" "no ma'am" "so polite" 'i need to witness this' moving to the table, Jackson and Alena sat down. "Why are you here Jackson?" "Waiting for Bronson" "right. Miss, remove that hood. Stop keeping your beautiful face hidden" Mallory removed her hood and Alena grinned "much better" Jackson looked at Mallory's face. 'fuck she is absolutely gorgeous' "dig in girl. If that boy of mine has a problem, I will buy him a whole shopping trolley full" "thank you".
"Now tell me about your.. it was Joanne right?" "Yes ma.." "Alena" "yes Alena. She is much like Bethany" "ah-huh. Not a worker?" "No and I have been forced to do not only my own schooling but also Bethany's" Alena put her cup down. "Tell me you are joking?" "From prep. I finished my schooling three years ago" "year twelve at the age of fifteen?" "Yes ma..Alena" Alena grinned "very intelligent by the sound of it" "besides my education, I have cooked and cleaned" "and what does Bronson make you do?" Mallory stayed silent "Mallory?" "Follow his rules. No speaking unless he says I can. Stick to either the lounge, dining, kitchen, bathroom or my room. The club.." "no fresh air?" "I haven't been outside unless I am going between the house and club" 'oh this is not good' "right" "I'm sorry If I.." "oh no you don't. From what I gather you have come from a life of fucking bullshit and now my son has put his claim on you" "Alena he has taken care of her" seeing Mallory shift in her seat, Alena took a deep breath "is there something I haven't been told?" "Alena.." "Mallory?" Jackson put his head down. "I would like you to be honest with me" Mallory inhaled deeply. "No ma'am" "don't you lie to me" "Alena.." "Mallory?" 'fuck' "he.." "mom"

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