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Connie internally grinned and opened the door. "Take this" Connie looked at the hood "it's red" "so? Put it on" "fine...thanks" Levi grinned and Connie removed her two shirts and one of her singlets before putting the hood on. "Seriously you had four tops on?" "Seriously? You watched me get undressed?" "WHAT? ARGH" Levi laughed "not like that ya fucking idiot" Connie internally grinned. Exiting the room, connie scanned the room. "Heard you want to go into town" Connie looked around to see alena standing against the wall with a small grin "yeah.." "well how about we go have some fun" "we are in" "looks like we are going to need a few cars" "I'm driving" "oh fuck off. I'm not getting in your car. You drive like a maniac" "take your own" "yeah I will" Connie walked out the front and stopped as she saw kelvin and Clint. "Where did you get the hood from?" "Connie.. oh" Connie stayed silent. "Well are you ready?" "Can we go to heaven?" "Oh I can take her to heaven" "shut up dickhead" Connie let a small laugh slip as Alena spoke "use ya fucking hand. Let's take you to heaven" "hell yes" Connie jogged to Alenas car making the guys laugh. "Where are we headed?" "The sports store across from the go to" "seriously? That's what she calls heaven" Alena grinned "yep. Meet ya there" "I will beat you there" "challenge accepted" 'she didn't say one word to us' Alena and Christian took off out of the driveway followed by Dan. All flooring it into town, they slowed down as they entered. "That was... AWESOME" Alena laughed as she pulled up in the car park. "Remove that darn hood woman" both exiting the car, Connie removed her hood and walked into the shop. "Honey I'm home" the guys laughed with the man behind the counter. "I remember you. Walked out with two sets of kicks" "they weren't sets" "sorry?" The man looked at Connies shoes. With a grin he spoke "now that's how to wear them" "I think so too. Oh why did you bring me here?" Alena laughed "no idea" seeing her eyes light up, christian internally grinned 'i know her taste' "oh check these out" Alena grinned "what happened to shorts?" "They don't have any" the guys laughed "well we need to find a shop that sells some" "after I buy these" "two more hoods?" "Well.." seeing kelvin enter Connie stopped talking. "just those two today?" "Don't tempt me sir. I'd buy out the store" the guys laughed "all yours" "thanks" "welcome". "Okay to a shop that has shorts" "a sports store" "this is one" "nah like.." "basketball, football?" "Yeah" "around the corner" "follow him. I will meet you all back at the car park" "alright".

"Want to tell me why you two are following us around?" "Bosses orders" "yeah but why, I don't believe there's any decent reason" kelvin sighed "to make sure she is safe" "like me and the guys won't protect her?" "We don't know them that well" "yeah well I do" "where did the hood come from?" "One of the guys loaned it to her" "she doesn't need them" "it's her life and her body" "she doesn't need them. She needs to heal" "she will do what she fucking likes" "if she doesn't listen.." "you will do what? You men are not coming in my residence. She needs to build confidence and be comfortable" "she was comfortable to a point" "to a point. In her room?" Clint turned his eyes "yeah" "great. That's a fucking life to live isn't it" "Ashton wants her" "he ain't fucking touching her unless she wants him too and by the way she hid when she seen Arlo and Ashton at the house, it shows she doesn't want him close" "she needs to give him a chance" "and be stuck in your life?" Both men turned their eyes "the only reason boss is allowing her at your premises.." "is because I will kill him if he tries to take her back" seeing cars start to arrive, Alena smirked and walked away. "ALENA" Alena walked into the sports shop and looked around. "Found some clothes there woman?" "Sure have" "good. Ready to head back. We have some company" all the guys surrounded Connie making Alena internally grin "yep" "alright let's head home" exiting the store, Alena looked at all the men in front of them. 'simmo, madd, Arlo, Garth, Ashton, kelvin, Clint, Joel, Shaun, Allan, omre and tanz. Hmm' "let's go" "she's coming with us" Connie stepped back behind christian and kept moving backwards. Dropping her bags, Joel watched her closely. 'shes about to run' Connie took off running through the streets and down alley ways before climbing up a building and kept running. 'south. I need to head south' continuing to run for three hours, through paddocks, Connie grinned as she found the waterhole. Jumping on the raft, Connie paddled herself to the middle and pulled the raft up before moving in between the trees. Looking up, Connie grinned and shook her head "knew it. Get the fuck up here". Connie climbed the branches and sat down.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LOSE HER?" Joel sat silent. 'she ran. She knew how to get herself out of there' "SHE WAS LIKE A FUCKING NINJA. I HAVR NO FUCKING IDEA WHERE SHE WENT" madd internally grinned but stayed silent "SHE NEEDS TO BE HERE. OBVIOUSLY SHE ISNT SAFE OUT THERE" "WHY THE FUCK ARE WE CHASING HER ANYWAY. ALENA WILL TAKE CARE OF HER" "SHE FUCKING BELONGS HERE" "WHY, YOU REALLY THINK SHE IS GOING TO SUBMIT" "I KNOW SHE FUCKING WON'T SUBMIT ALRIGHT. BUT SHE IS SAFE HERE" 'shes safe where she is. Wherever that may be. She saved my darn life. I don't know why but she did'

- are you safe?
Connie - trying to find my location Joel?
- no
Connie - yep

"Well she's safe" "WHAT?" "I messaged her. She's safe" "how did you get her number?" "She gave it to me" "we can use him to get to her" "she won't tell me where she is" "but you know she is safe?" "That's what she said" "give me your phone" Joel slid his phone across the table and simmo called the phone. Not getting an answer, he shook his head and slid the phone back. "So she won't answer?" "No" Arlo showed a slight nod while Joel and madd internally grinned.

"Come on" Connie nodded and climbed down. "What happens if they are there?" "Hide" "wonderful" Ezekiel grinned. Both racing back to the house, Connie kept her eyes peeled. When they entered the house all the guys and Alena grinned "remove that fucking hood" Connie removed her hood "so you know how to get back here" "it's south" the guys laughed while Alena had a proud grin on her face "good run?" "Look the climbing and alleyways weren't that great but yeah" "you lost them?" "Yep" "want to learn how to knock someone out cold?" "Not really but I do need a shower" "so does Ezekiel. He swam through that watering hole" "good to see your fat ass didn't drown" Connie laughed as she walked away "HEARD THAT" "I DIDNT SAY SHIT" the guys all grinned "well she surely knows how to run" "let's hope she can hide then" everyone nodded. Connie had a long hot shower then got out and dressed. 'fuck yes. They brought my clothes back' hiding all her belongings, Connie looked around. 'if need be, I can climb' Connie listened out for any voices then walked out. "hood?" "Argh" Connie walked back in and grabbed Levi's hood. "here air head" "air head" "horny didn't sound right" Levi cracked up laughing. "ENJOY THOSE BOOB MARKS" "ONLY BOOBS HE IS GETTING" "FUCK UP IDIOT" hearing two cars, Connie ran to the laundry and jumped up before fixing the man hole. 'where the fuck did she go?'.
"ALENA" Alena stood in the kitchen making herself a drink. "I told you simmo. Don't come to my fucking residence. You made that girl run. Does it not tell you something?" "Where is she?" "YOU TELL ME. YOUR FUCKING MEN CHASED HER" "LOOK THROUGH THE FUCKING HOUSE" Alena rolled her eyes. 'i hope that girl has a good hiding place'.

"She's not here" simmo looked at all of the guys "DO ANY OF YOU KNOW WHERE CONNIE IS?" all men shook their heads no. Arlo kept his eyes on all of them. 'none of them are showing signs' "LETS GO" both walking out, Alena spoke. "DISRESPECT ME AGAIN AND I WONT FUCKING HESITATE" "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS" "DONT FUCKING COME BACK" Alena slammed the door and simmo shook his head "well she is beyond pissed off" "and concerned" "yeah.. aren't we all. How can one fucking woman just disappear" "she knows how to hide".

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