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Mallory hid herself and Alena looked directly at Bronson. "Mallory. I want you to be honest with me. I know he is my son but I don't like dishonesty" "mom have you been questioning Mallory?" "Yes" jackson looked at Bronson with worry. "Mallory?" "Mom just leave it. She doesn't want to talk about it" "may I be excused?" "You don't need to ask" Mallory showed a slight nod. "Thank you for the coffee and biscuits" "you are welcome" Mallory walked to her room and sat on the bed.
"Now you can tell me" "tell you what?" "What have you done to that girl?" "She's been fed every meal, water, she can shower, has her own room, knows where she can't go.." "no fucking fresh air?. Have you offered her a fucking coffee?. How come she can't fucking speak unless you say so?. Why the fuck is she here?" "Mom.." "argh I'm fucking leaving" alena stormed out and Bronson clenched his hand "Bronson.." "you can leave" Jackson swallowed hard. 'hes angry. She didn't tell Alena though. She tried keeping it hidden' when Jackson left, bronson stormed to Mallory's room. 'she wants to get me in fucking shit' "STRIP AND GET ON YOUR KNEES" Mallory swallowed hard but did as Bronson said. Back handing her across the face, Mallory dropped to her knees. "YOU ARE A FUCKING DISGRACE. YOU WILL LEARN NOT TO FUCKING CROSS ME" backhanding her again, Bronson grabbed her hood "OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" Mallory opened her mouth and Bronson slammed his shaft down her throat. "YOU ARE A SLUT. THATS ALL YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD FOR" fucking her throat until he blew his load, Bronson pulled away and punched her in the head making her fall. Grabbing her hips, bronson lifted her bottom up and slammed himself inside of her vagina then ripped her head back. Continuing to slam her from behind, hitting her and slamming his shaft down her throat for hours on end. Bronson continued to take his anger out. Leaving bruise after bruise on her while tearing her vagina more and more. Eventually stopping, Bronson slammed her to the ground and grabbed his clothes "FUCKING FILTH" Bronson walked out leaving Mallory broken. 'i can't do this. I can't do this anymore' Mallory slowly moved up to her knees as her entire body ached. 'i need to have a shower..' Mallory grabbed her hood and track pants and put them on then walked out. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Mallory stopped in her tracks. Copping a punch to the head, Mallory dropped "YOU GET FUCKING NOTHING" Bronson kicked her into the room and slammed the door. 'my ribs'.

"WHERE IS MALLORY?" Bronson turned his eyes as Alena rushed in "WHERE IS MALLORY BRONSON?" Alena stormed to Mallory's room and opened the door. "MOM DON'T YOU.." "MALLORY" Alena rushed in and closed the door locking it. "Please I don't want this. I didn't.." "Mallory?" Alena moved to the edge of the bed as Mallory was sitting in the corner near the wall with her legs partially up and her arms to her chest "Mallory?" Bronson tried opening the door. "MOM" hearing Bronson's voice, Mallory cowered even more. Alena moved and pushed Mallory's hood back "MALLORY?" Alena's voice full of concern Mallory stayed silent. 'her face is black and blue. Shes cowering to Bronsons voice' "he's hurting you?" Mallory sobbed "I can't move" "can't?" "No ma'am" "did he tell you, you can't?" "He.." Mallory put her head down as she continued to cry. alena grabbed out her phone. "Alena.." "get to Bronsons immediately. I need your help. First bedroom. Do not let him stop you" "on our way" "thanks simmo".
"I'm getting you help sweetheart. A man I know is going to come in.." Mallory kept her head down "MOM OPEN THE DOOR" Alena stayed dead silent "what has happened Mallory?" "I can't.." "I know you are protecting him but it's too late for that. I can see some damage" "three.. three days of physical and sexual assault" Alena put her head down. "No food. One bottle of water" Alena clenched her hands.

Hearing his front door slam open, Bronson immediately moved from Mallory's door. "ALENA" 'simmo and ashton' Alena rushed to open the door. "Alena.." "you need to get her the hell out of here and to the hospital. You need to be gentle" Ashton walked in and looked at Mallory "WHAT THE FUCK.." "ASHTON NOW" Ashton rushed to Mallory "Mallory. I need to take you to the hospital" "I cant move sir" "I will carry you" "I'm broken" 'shit' Ashton gently put his arm under her legs and behind her shoulders "I'm sorry if it hurts Mallory" Mallory let the tears fall. "we will get you there as fast as we can". "I'm going to need you to drive simmo. I'm not going to be able to put her down" "let's go" Bronson put his head down as his mother stormed his way. Backhanding Bronson across the face, Alena never spoke a word just walked out slamming the door on the way.

"A DOCTOR RIGHT NOW" "yes sir" as soon as the emergency doors opened up Ashton walked with Mallory down the corridor. "BRING HER THROUGH SIR" Ashton nodded. 'this poor girl. I haven't seen her body nor face but I can tell it won't be good' "what has happened to her?" "I don't know. She said she's broken.." "physical and sexual assault" "WHAT?" Alena nodded and Ashtons heart sunk. "Please lay her down gently" Ashton did as the doctor said and Mallory let out a cry in pain. "What is her name?" "Mallory" "Mallory, we are going to need to put you under" "just do it" the doctor nodded and Ashton, simmo and Alena walked out.
"There's got to be something we can do" "wait. I will wait if you two want to go. I couldn't carry her out of there. I appreciate your help" "I'm not leaving. How old is she?" "Eighteen. I don't know much about her. Mallory, eighteen, lived her life with a family who doesn't love her..." "Doesn't love her?" "No. Always made her keep her head down. She was forced to not only do her school work but also her sisters. They called her the dud" "that's fucking ridiculous" "I guess we aren't contacting them then" "no fucking way will I allow that girl to go back there" "she can come to mine" simmo and Alena looked at Ashton. "Ashton I don't know if she will. She's in fear right now" "I surely won't allow her to go back to her parents and she isn't going back to bronsons. No fucking way will that happen" "glad we agree on that" seeing two nurses run past and into the theatre room, Alena put her head down. "This is far from good" "yeah..".

"Where the fuck have you been?" "Where the fuck do you think I have been?. I'm going to have a fucking drink" seeing marks on Bronson's hands, Jackson sighed 'hes hurt her or lost his shit' "everything running as it should?" "Yeah it is" "good" Bronson sat in silence while having a bourbon. 'fuck'.

Waiting seven hours, all three were on edge. "Seven hours?" "I don't know.." seeing the doors open, all three gave their attention to the doctor and head nurse. "Please follow us. Mallory will be placed in a private room. She won't wake for at least a few hours but we will give you a run down of Mallory's injuries" looking at Mallory, Ashton took a deep breath. 'bruises, swelling, bandages.. from what I can see the results will be much much worse'. Entering a large private room, the doctor closed the door.
"Mallory has sustained quite a lot of injuries all over her body. Two broken cheek bones, a broken wrist, two broken ribs, fractured ankle. She has had to have eight stitches in her lower region.." Alena swallowed hard 'my son did this to her' "her throat is swollen and it may be hard for her to speak right now. Her body is covered in dark bruising and she is going to be in a lot of pain for quite a while. As you can see her arm is already in plaster. We didn't need to give Mallory surgery for her cheeks or ankle but they will take quite some time to heal. The ankle, six weeks. Mallory will need to be on a high dose of pain relief and will need to stay in hospital for at least a week" all three showed worry. "we have done all we can for her. One of you will be able to stay" "I will" Alena showed a slight nod "do you need anything Ashton?" "No. if need be, I will just get some food from the cafeteria" 'hes going to make sure no one gets near her' "I will get a bed in here for you Ashton" "thanks" 'theres not a chance in hell, I am leaving her on her own'

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