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"how long is your recovery?" "Six to eight weeks for most things" "most things?" "Ribs, wrist and cheek bones" "shit" "the ankle will take longer" "why?" "It's the way it works. Moon boot for six weeks at minimum. Not too much weight on it for the following ten weeks. It could take up to two years to heal" "that guy did a real treat on you" "yeah.. you could say that" "sorry I didn't mean.." "it's fine" "MALLORY?" "Shit that's Alena" "OUT THE BACK" Alena rushed out and looked at Joel and Mallory. "How are you feeling gorgeous and get that darn hood off" Mallory removed her hood and pulled her hair to the front. "That's a lot better. Felt like some fresh air huh?" "Yeah.." "I have put a bag of things in your room. Do you have anything in mind for today?" "There isn't much I can do" "I know. Has Ashton gone out, Joel?" "He said errands" alena nodded "how about we get your clothes out of those bags and put them away. The other items can go in your top drawer and the bathroom" "that sounds okay with me. It will be good to have everything in place" Alena grinned "when you have finished that. Have you thought about my question?" "I don't know if I can" "why?" "I'd prefer to just hide" Alena nodded "I understand that" "hide?" Alena looked at Joel "that's what she said" "why the hell are you hiding?" "She wants too" Joel shook his head "so you come here for the men to protect you after you caused shit.." "WHAT?" Joel immediately moved "hey you said.." "get your fucking facts straight before you start shit Joel. This is our fucking conversation and only ours" "right".
"Now you have finished miss, let's go get this done" Mallory nodded.
Both walking inside, Joel stayed close. "I understand why you want to hide but eventually you will bump into him. Simmo wants to kill him so I know he will keep his distance for a while" "I'm sorry but I don't want to be around" "you have no reason to apologize, none of this is because of you" "he said.." "I don't give a fuck what he said. He was wrong in many ways. Fucking vile shit" 'they are talking about the man that did it to Mallory. That's why she wants to hide. Not from shit she did. Argh'.
"Okay now you have done that, let's go to your room and get your belongings sorted".

"This is a lot Alena" "it's everything you need for personal use. Body wash is heaps better than soap. Can't be using a males shampoo and conditioner. Hair ties, clips if you use them. Basic make up but no foundation, you don't need that crap. A hair dryer and curler. Your hair is always dead straight so there's no need for a straightener. Pads and tampons for your period. Tell me, are you willing to get waxing.." "yes" Alena laughed "there's things in there if you can do it yourself. I'm sure it's annoying" "very" "I hate it too. When you are healed, we will go to a salon" "I need to find a job" "worried about funds?" "What do they say? I Need to spread my wings at some point" Alena nodded "I understand that but I don't think Ashton minds having you here. Now what else interests you, hobby wise?" "I don't know" "hmm trial and error huh?" "Yes" "well now this is all out away. Follow me out to the car. I have a box of things in there that might keep you entertained at least until you have healed" "okay" walking out with Alena, Clint entered the house with another man Mallory doesn't know. "Alena where are you two going?" "To my car" "right" Clint stood at the door just watching. "Clint what the hell are you doing?" "Making sure that girl is okay" "this is some strange shit. She's a bit young for you" "marshall, no" "what I'm just saying" Clint shook his head "she lives here now" "what?" "Yeah you heard."
"Clint and marshall" "you know that girl with Alena?" "Met her earlier. She's staying here" "how the fuck is this going to work with business?" "Don't fucking ask me" seeing Alena and Mallory walking back Clint spoke "shut it" "what?" "Shut it".
"Seriously Clint. Why the hell are you standing at the door?" "Waiting. How are you feeling Mallory" "fine thanks clint" "come on let's go put that box in your room" "what's in it?" Alena looked at marshall "porn" "NOT A FUCKING CHANCE IS SHE.." Alena smirked "fucking hell Alena" Mallory let a small laugh slip "if the girl wants to watch it, good for her" "oh I would satisfy.." Clint tapped Marshalls head and shook his telling him to shut it. "you won't touch her" "okay she's off limits" "been through enough" "what?" "Physical and sexual assault" "oh shit" "just be careful what you say in regards to that shit" "yeah I get it".

"Anything capturing your eye?" Mallory looked at the book. 'Music history' Mallory grinned "this one" Alena grinned "maybe you could try playing an instrument one day" "the guitar" "you have thought about it?" "Actually, I used to play" Alena showed a massive grin. "What type?" "Electric" "give me thirty minutes. I need to go somewhere" "okay". Alena rushed out of the house while Mallory stayed seated and opened the book.

"Alena what the hell is that?" "What does it look like?" "A guitar" "yeah.." Alena shook her head as she ran to the bedroom. "Mallory it's only me" Alena entered the room and Mallory's eyes went wide. "A guitar and amp?" Alena grinned "want to come out the back" "YES" alena laughed "oh are you going to be able to play?" "Just fine" both heading out the back, Alena and Mallory set it up. "What the hell?" "Oh shut it marshall" Mallory put her hood on making Alena grin. "Here Mallory" sitting down on the edge of the patio, Mallory tuned everything up. "Got a request?" Alena grinned "no whatever you want to play" Clint walked out with Joel and stopped in his tracks. Hearing Mallory start to play even with a broken wrist, Alena showed a massive grin when Mallory started to sing.
"She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry
Whoa, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
Whoa, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
Whoa, yeah
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, whoa, oh
Sweet love of mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Ooh, yeah
Ooh, sweet love of mine
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Ooh, oh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go now?
Where do we go? (Sweet child)
Where do we go now?
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Where do we go now?
Ah, ah
Where do we go?
Oh, where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go?
Oh, where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Oh, where do we go now?
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now
Sweet child
Sweet child of mine" Alena sat down right in front of Mallory. "Music really helps you huh?" Mallory nodded "and you have a very soft voice" Mallory showed a small grin. "Why the guitar?" "I like the sound of it. I Tried acoustic but the electric feels right" "I want to hear another one" "no requests?" "No" Mallory nodded.
"What's.. where the hell did that come from?" Alena looked at Arlo. "I brought it" "what the hell for?" "Because Mallory likes to play it" "and what about her wrist?" "Doesn't seem like an issue" Mallory showed a small grin. Hearing the back door three times, Mallory never looked their way. "Mallory?" "Hi" simmo jumped down and stood in front of Mallory "a guitar player or wanting to learn?" "No I play" "I would like to hear something" "do you have a request?" "No i just want to hear what you can do" Mallory tuned the guitar and amp for the next song. "I'm sorry if I start singing.." "don't you apologize for that. Your voice is quite soft" Mallory nodded.

Until The Music StopsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora