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"HURRY UP BITCH TITS" "HES JUST JEALOUS HE AINT GETTING ANY" "HE IS. THE FATTY IS GETTING HIS OWN" Ezekiel laughed "YOU BETTER BE ARMED. IM GOING TO KILL YOU" "DOUBT IT" Kai looked at Edward wide eyed "where the hell did you come from?" Edward smirked "I'm always around" "CONNIE YOU NEED TO BE QUIET WHEN I SLAM YOU, EDWARD SAID HES ALWAYS AROUND" Connie cracked up laughing. "She'd slam you not the other way around" Edward walked off. "Hey hold up" Edward laughed "have fun trying Kai" Kai internally grinned. "FOOD EVERYONE" Connie and Ezekiel raced out and to the kitchen. Jackson held in his laughter "oh are you two hungry?" "Are we hungry. What a stupid question that is" Connie and Ezekiel looked at each other wide eyed then laughed "darn man has a recorder in my head" "you two need separation" "Nuh" Edward stood back looking at all the men as they watched the scene in the kitchen. Making eye contact with Jackson, Edward showed a small grin. "How have you been Jackson" "always good Edward" Edward showed a slight nod. "Friends with this lot?" "Not really" "hmm" "Joel?" "Not really" "madd?" "No he isnt" Edward looked at Connie. "Problem?" "Hangry" Ezekiel tapped Connie's head "I will tap the one you think with" "ouch" Edward held in his laughter "we knew you were laughing Edward" Edwards eyes went wide "what?" "When?" "How?" "Why?" "Look I couldn't tell ya. Maybe he is going crazy" "eat you two and shut up" "been told" "and he still spoke" Connie smirked "I seen that" Connie looked at Ezekiel and shoved some food in her mouth. "I have something you can stuff in there" Connie looked around like she was looking for something making Ezekiel laugh "bitch" Connie curtsied. "Center?" "Yep" both moving to the grass they sat down. "This situation is weird as hell. We expected it to be a shit show when you came back from your run" Connie grinned "nahhhh" Ezekiel chuckled. "Stop" both sitting in silence, Joel and madd sat sat. "Stopped talking because we joined huh?" Connie looked at Joel "Nuh" "bullshit" "we are eating" "I want to know who you have on the outside" Connie looked at madd "what?" "Your Intel" "not a chance" Ezekiel internally grinned "why? If the bosses hear, I'm sure they will be quite concerned" "tell them then" "Connie, it could mean trouble for the bloods. If an outsider has all the information, we could be in trouble" 'dickhead' Connie continued to eat "look I know what I did was wrong but fuck, this is our lively hood and our lives. You may not care about yours but what about the rest" "you can try ya shit all you like, you aren't getting a thing" madd got up and walked away. "It's best you speak up Connie".
"Boss I need to speak with you about something" "well say it" "Connie has an outsider" Jackson stayed dead silent "an outsider?" "Yeah. As far as we know the person is female" Jackson internally grinned "she can have friends.." "I'm not talking about friends. Every call she gets it erases. She has information on all of us" Edward held in his grin 'i know she does. She knew we were here. The person isn't an outsider though. I already know that. I just don't know who it is' "get me her phone" "she won't give it to him" Jackson grabbed his phone out and pressed three buttons changing the settings on her phone. "Who will she give it to?" "CONNIE COME HERE A MINUTE" Connie grinned "see ya" "she won't be grinning soon".
"Alena?" "Hunny can I have your phone?" "Of course" Connie handed the phone to Alena and Alena slid it to simmo. "Could've asked yourself" "now isn't the fucking time to throw attitude" Connie rolled her eyes. Simmo called her phone and answered it then hung it up. Looking at the call history, simmo looked at Connie then at madd. "You are incorrect" simmo showed the screen to madd "Nuh that's fucking bullshit. When she was on the call, before I grabbed it she kicked it from my hands. When I got my hands on it, there was no history" "can I have my fucking phone back?" Simmo threw the phone across the table. "Wasting my damn fucking time. EZEKIEL YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ATE MY FOOD" feeling a punch come her way, Connie stopped then spun kicking madds legs out from under him. Seeing madd move both madd and Connie aimed their guns at each other "DO IT" Edward looked at Connie as she held his gun. "STAND DOWN" Connie held eye contact with madd. Seeing his finger tighten around the gun, Connie never moved just showed a small grin as he pulled the trigger "CONNIE" madd dropped the gun as he looked at her stomach "Connie.." Connie walked off and Ezekiel ran up behind her picking her up and carried her into the house. "WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT YOU MOVE?" "MOVE BACK ARLO. NOW" Arlo stepped back as Edward moved into the bathroom. "Looks like that shirt is getting raised. My lucky day" "it's not that high". "you do it to feel pain" Connie turned her eyes to look Edward "thats why you never move" "she feels pain every day" Edward immediately looked at Ezekiel "you want to explain that?" "How can she not. The people who brought her into the world made her stay hidden since Gareth's death. Treated her as a fucking slave. Was given away like a piece of shit when in fact she is the best out of everyone. Gets physically and sexually assaulted. In the process she received two broken cheek bones, two broken ribs, a broken wrist and a fractured ankle. Gets taken to house full of men.." "STOP" Edward looked at Connie as her eyes never left his "WHY DID YOU LET HIM LIVE?" Connie showed a small grin but never said anything "because he is suffering anyway" Edward internally grinned as Ezekiel spoke. "continue" "she goes there gets hit, has to have some one with her, nearly dragged to a room for sexual shit and knocked out cold.." "WHAT?" Ezekiel nodded as he continued stitching. "She got an escape and came here. They trained her but they were stupid. She already knew they were training her. The day the bloods came here to collect her, they shot at Levi and christian and she took a bullet while her phone took the other. Omre killed Levi with a knife and Connie killed omre. After that, kelvin tried to kill christian and Connie took the bullet. Well he died anyway, Ashton killed him but she won't let him get away with it" "is he right?" Connie sat silent and Edward already knew she will "you are all done" "thanks Ezekiel" "it's fine. No standing still when a gun is aimed at you" "fine I will dance" Ezekiel shook his head "ARE YOU STUPID?" "LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE. DONT REMEMBER HITTING ME ARLO?" "YOU FUCKING SHOT ME" "LUCKY IT WASNT THE FUCKING HEAD. YOUR BOSS PUT THE FUCKING ORDERS OUT. DONT THINK I DIDNT FUCKING SEE YOU AIMING FOR CHRISTIAN AND EVEN AFTER I SHOT YOU, YOU WERE HAPPY LEVI WAS DEAD.." Edward moved and put his hand on Connies shoulder "history" Connie raised her lip then walked away and to the kitchen. Arlo shook his head "FUCK" Ezekiel walked out after Connie. "BITCH TITS, IF YOU DONT GET ME A DRINK TOO I WILL FLUSH YOU WHERE THE FROG WENT" Connie internally grinned and grabbed him a scotch. "Nuh I ain't drinking that shit" "more for me. Bye" "Connie" Ezekiel grinned as Connie just walked off. Exiting the house, Connie looked around. "Don't you be killing him" "right now my hands are full" madd turned his eyes as Connie walked off. Putting the drinks in her pocket, Connie grabbed the rope and ran around before throwing herself up into the tree. "there she goes" Arlo walked out and sat down at the table. "Why are we here?" "It's my cousins house" "well I am aware of that" "something wrong?" Arlo looked at the tree then back to simmo. "Yeah.." simmo stood up and walked to the tree. "GET DOWN HERE AND FACE ME" Connie shrugged and climbed down then jumped and stood in front of simmo. Simmo ripped the hood back. "Whatever fucking hate you hold, you need to let it go. We have both killed others men. We have both suffered. You may see them as only bloods but they are my family. EVERY FUCKING SINGLE PERSON HERE IS A BLOOD. EVEN IF THEY HAVE TOLD YOU THEY ARENT, THEY ARE. YOU ARE A FUCKING FOOL IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HATE US. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE YOUR FUCKING BACK" Ezekiel and Kai kept their heads down 'well it's out now' "you are all dishonest abusive pricks" "yeah.." Connie nodded

Until The Music StopsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin