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"ARGH CONNIE" Connie cracked up laughing as all the guys were covered "what happened to you lot?" "She peppered us with eggs cos you hid" Alena walked over with a grin "you left them empty handed" the men watching it unfold they internally grinned "get your ass down here" Connie sussed out the guys and Alena "Nuh you lot have some" getting hit with six eggs Connie laughed "I fucking may as well now. Move" Ezekiel and Kai grinned as Connie moved down the tree then jumped out to the bar and doubled flipped on to the ground. "Always fun" the mens eyes all went wide as their mouths dropped. "did you men see that?" "Fucking ninja in the making" "in the making? she is one".
"Six one handed flips" "you are joking" "I DARE YOU, WITH A CAN IN YOUR HAND" "FUCK" the guys laughed "you better go get me one" Nolan ran into the house and grabbed a scotch before running back to Connie. "This is some fucked up shit" the guys laughed "what's going on?" Alena looked at Ashton. "They are being themselves" Connie shook out her right hand "Keep sculling" "shut it mason" the guys laughed putting the can to her mouth, Connie ran and drank her drink before flipping backwards six times then flipped out of it and sculled the rest as it went all over her. The guys cracked up laughing "knew it" "argh" Connie laid down where she sat making the guys chuckle. "How is the wounds?" "Better than your face" "anything is better than that".

Seeing three SUVs pull in the drive, Connie immediately got up. "Know em?" "No" Connie looked at Nolan, Mason and Dan as they walked towards the men. By instinct, Connie continued to step back. When all the men stood up, Connie took her chance and ran. Turning around, Ezekiel looked around for Connie. 'where did she go?'.

"Men" "not something you see every day is it boss?" "No. Everyone is together. Why is that?" "We are family" "hmm.. not what I was told" everyone looked around "whose not?" "There's a girl here" "we want to see her" Ezekiel and Kai looked at each other "fuck" "she's not here" "then where is she?" "Running" "she's running?" "For fitness. Not away" "and why is no one with her?" "We can't keep up. She likes to run full pelt" "interesting. The phone call I received did not mention that" "who called you?" "Tanzee" "he was killed" "by who?" "Me" "why?" "He pinned alena. We don't stand for that" "hmm I'm sure Alena could hold her own" "she can. I took it in my own hands" "we want the girl" listening through Jackson's phone Connie sighed "why?" "I Just want to get to know her. I hear she is a Second generation blood just like you" "good reason" 'im no fucking blood' "wait around if you wish" "we will" 'fuck the bloods from new Orleans. What the fuck was tanz attack?' "we want details" "she's a trained machine like all of us" "who trained her?" "Kelvin, Arlo, myself, Alena and the men that live here. She is a good asset to the family" 'shes listening to all of this, I know it' "whats her strength?" "Speed" "weapons" "stealth" "protection" "sounds like she has it all. What about shipments?" "We haven't got her there yet" "and why is that?" "Making sure she is mentally stable. If something goes wrong, it's on all of us" "where is she residing?" "Here" "and why not with one of you men?" "I brought her here to train. I have everything she needs. She's comfortable.." "in this life there is no being comfortable. You stay on guard. You don't miss and you do what everyone else does. She needs to be moved and she's need to start doing shipments" "we are aware with the shipments but it's best for all of us if she stays here" "she will be moved and I think she should stay with Bronson" worry ran through everyone "when she gets back, she can pack her belongings" "NO" Edward looked at simmo "no?" "She stays here" "she can live with me" "NOT A FUCKING CHANCE IS SHE STAYING WITH YOU" Alena looked at Bronson stunned "you have some fucking bullshit in your head that she's yours" "coming from you. You are the one.." Bronson raised his gun "she is a fucking blood but she's not yours. I have made my mistake. She let me go free. She will kill you" Alena showed a small grin "SHE STAYS. It seems tanzee was right, this woman is protected. If it does interfere with her progress, I will kill her myself" "she will like that" Edward looked directly at simmo "what?" "She wants to die. You threaten her and she will put her head to your gun" "a born killer" Jackson kept his eyes away from everyone. 'i don't want her dead. I have done what I can to help. I want her as mine too. I have seen the beauty in and out' "why the silence?" Simmo shrugged. 'its time. I have heard what I need to' at full pelt Connie made it look like she is running around the perimeter before making her way back. "CONNIE" Connie void of any emotion, she turned to look at everyone as their faces showed concern. Edward stood up and walked her way. "I have heard so many things about you Mallory. Some good and some bad" Edward continued to walk around Connie trying to intimate her. "Why are you here?" "To die" "that's not why you are here. You are here to fight, to train, to be a weapon.. to be a blood" Connie stayed dead still paying attention to his every movement. "do you know who I am?" 'yes' "no" "the names Edward. Boss of the bloods in new Orleans. Ring a bell?" 'yes' "no" "that's interesting. Your uncle was part of the bloods. Never did I expect his niece to be here now. You say you have never heard of us. I think you are lying" Edward stopped and stood in front of Connie. 'only her lips on show' "You knew your uncle was part of the bloods" "not new Orleans. I don't know about you or your men" "is that so?" "Yes" 'i can't fucking read her' "I hear you have been training?" "Yes" "but you haven't been doing shipments. Why is that?" 'i wont' "I guess I'm not ready" "hmm I heard that too. Funny that" Edward raised his gun and put it to Connie's forehead. 'not an ounce of fear or worry' seeing a small grin show, Edward lowered his gun. "I had to test a theory" "satisfied?" Edward smirked "killers don't have friends Mallory. You know that all too well don't you?" Connie stayed dead silent "is that a no?" Never saying a word, Edward hit her across the face with his gun. "I asked you a question" Connie showed a malicious grin as she removed her hood. Edward stood back shocking all of the men. "No.." Connie walked around Edward "I remember you Edward. I remember you very well. Those eyes as they killed your sister. The same day they killed my brother. They were all laughing weren't they? Laughing at two people who lost those closest to them. THE SAME FUCKING DAY.." Connie removed her hood and raised her shirt "THEY GAVE ME THESE" Edward dropped his gun and Connie pulled her shirt down and hood back on "THE SAME FUCKING DAY YOU GOT THESE" Connie ripped the sleeve from his shirt. Connie picked up his gun and shoved it to his chest "how could you turn your fucking back on your sister. How could you turn your fucking back Edward?" "I had no choice" "and nor do I. I was forced into this life just like you" Edwards eyes watered as he looked into Connie's eyes "I can't forget your eyes.." Edward pulled Connie close "I didn't know it was you under that hood. I didn't..i'm sorry. I had to make sure you were the one" simmo looked at all of the men then back to the scene in front of them. "did anyone hear what they said?" "No" "Nuh" Jamieson grinned "looks like he found her" Gerald grinned "yep" "what are you men talking about?" Seeing both of them pull away, Edward handed his gun to Connie. "its Connie by the way" "well.. Connie. We need drinks" "I'm not drinking bourbon" "it better be scotch" "yep" "good. Let's go" Connie and Edward walked into the house leaving everyone speechless. "Well shit" "AY BITCH TITS. GET ME A DRINK" "FAT PRICK" Edward laughed "you have no intention of doing shipments do you?" "No" "figures" "here Edward" Edward grinned "thanks. Who is that for?" "Ezekiel and Kai" "friends?" "We don't have friends right?" "Nah that's bullshit" Connie chuckled "let's go" both walking outside, simmo looked between both Connie and Edward. "Here brick" "thanks shit" "yours Kai".

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