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"it was all a set up. To make you the person you are. The hits, the shootings, the trackings. you don't think we don't know Jackson helped you. We just wanted to know if you would back us. And you have. Whether you want to admit it or not you are a blood. Alena is a blood. where do you think she goes at night?. Where do you think Ezekiel and Kai go on Tuesdays and Thursdays?. Where do you think the others go on Monday, Wednesday and Friday? They work. They work with the family. Bronsons men are only a step under us but they do their job. They control the clubs in town. Alena knew I was planning to attack you. How do you think she knew when it happened and drove past at that very moment. Every stage has been a plan all bar what Bronson did but we knew if you can survive that, you can survive anything. When we met you, you already showed potential. You have survived the life your parents gave you, you survive what Bronson did. You have survived all the beatings, the losses, the gun shots. You are still standing strong. Bloods are strong like you, they have stealth like you, speed like you. You are one of us. all these men respect you. All these men want what's best for you. We want to see you at your best. There's nothing you can do to change anything. Yeah we fooled you. Those people you call your friends aren't your friends, it was their job. It was Alenas job like you will have your own. We know you won't do shipments. We know you won't have anything to do with the drugs and weapons. But you will work. Whether it be something like Ezekiel and Kai have done or what Jackson does. It's the way it is. You can't hate true family. We are your family. Your uncle was a blood and you are too. It's inside you and you know that". Connie never spoke a word just sculled her scotch and grabbed out another one. 'this is not good' Ezekiel and Kai walked away. Jackson sat at the end of the table staying silent 'shes going to hate me too. I fell for her. I know Ezekiel and Kai like her as a mate but I know she's either going to run or kill herself' Ashton had a small grin on his face 'she will be family. She will be one of us and I can work on our relationship. I want her more than anything. I will continue to try. Noone else is like her' 'shes never going to trust me ever again. She's not going trust any of us' "you have a good relationship with a few of these men. Use it. I know you are close with Ezekiel, Kai, Dan, Nolan, mason and especially close with Jackson. We all know it, well bar Ashton. Keep them close. They will continue to protect you like we have. Leave the past in the past and move forward" Connie continued to drink her drink as her mind kept drifting. "Are you listening to me?" "Loud and clear.. boss" simmo internally grinned "good to have you on board" when simmo walked off, Connie stayed where she was and sculled her scotch before walking in the house "CONNIE" Connie ignored Jackson and grabbed another scotch. "Connie.." Connie looked at Jackson. "Give it up Jackson. I know your fucking bullshit" "IT WASNT BULLSHIT" Connie rolled her eyes "why don't you go find another woman you can play for a fool" Jackson took a deep breath "Connie. The phones were part of their plan but I swear the other part wasn't. You are a good woman.." "no I'm a blood supposedly.. theres nothing good about that" Connie walked out and Jackson followed "I know what the past bloods did to you, I know that wasn't fair but I'm not them. These men aren't them" "now that's bullshit Jackson.." "LISTEN TO HIM" Connie looked at kelvin with disgust "who the fuck are you to tell me what to do. You aren't even the second in line. Just a shit kicker like the rest of us right. THIS CONVERSATION HAS NOTHING TO FUCKING DO WITH YOU, YOU FUCKING MURDERING CUNT" kelvin turned his eyes "DOES IT FEEL GOOD KNOWING THOSE DRUGS AND WEAPONS GET IN YOUNG KIDS HANDS? DOES IT? DO YOU LIKE KILLING YOUNG TEENS?" Kelvin walked out and slammed the door. Jackson sighed "it's not like that Connie" "it's exactly like that. The bloods, the sargos.." "we aren't them. Yes we distribute them but they don't get in young kids hands.." "that's what you think Jackson. That's what you want to think. So you sell them then someone else sells them and so on. Boys and girls die on the streets from drugs everyday.." "I don't deal with that" Edward walked in and looked between Connie and Jackson. "WERE YOU PART OF THIS TOO?" Edward turned his eyes. Grabbing the bracelet, Connie ripped it apart and threw it at Edward. "CONNIE.." "WEAR IT YOURSELF. IT MIGHT REMIND YOU OF THE DAY THEY KILLED SARAH" Edward put his head down as he looked at all of the beads on the ground. His eyes watering, Edward moved to pick all of them up. "I know you are angry but you made this for Gareth. I know it's all you have left. If I had something from Sarah I would keep it" "that was what you made for Gareth Connie" "like you fucking care it was all fucking bullshit" Connie sculled her drink then walked back to the kitchen. Edward followed her and grabbed her hand and placed the beads in it. "These are yours. One day you are going to want them" Connie stayed silent and grabbed another drink. "That guy out there likes you Connie.." "yeah I do" seeing the hatred all over her face, Edward looked at Ashton "FUCK OFF" Ashton walked out and shook his head. Ashton slammed the door and kept walking. "I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about Jackson. He's a good man Connie. He doesn't deal with the drugs or weapons but he does have a job to do just like you will" "GO TO FUCKING HELL" Connie walked away and into her room slamming the door and locked it. Locking her window, Connie sat down and looked at the guitar. Putting her scotch down, Connie grabbed the guitar and slammed it to the ground breaking it in half before opening her door and threw it out in the hallway followed by the amp then walked back in and slammed her door locking it again. 'i will never fucking be a blood. I will never be one of them'.
Alena walked in to see the guitar and amp smashed and broken. Her eyes watering, Alena picked up the pieces of the guitar and walked out throwing it in the dumpster before walking back in and picked up the amp. "Alena?.. her amp" "the guitar too" 'shes not going to play again' seeing the door open, Ezekiel looked at Connie as she slammed her music system to the ground then walk back in and the door slammed shut. 'we fucking destroyed her trust. She's never going to speak to me' Ezekiel slumped in the chair as he looked at the music system smashed on the ground. Connie looked at the ipod and the phone. Grabbing her card from the phone, Connie put the card in her pants then opened the door and slammed them to the ground then slammed her door again before locking it and sat down on the bed. 'i still have those other drinks' sitting in her bed sinking drink after drink, her mind drifted off.

"CONNIE..." seeing the phone and ipod on the ground, Jackson picked them up. Turning to look at Ezekiel, he looked spaced out. "Ezekiel?" "The guitar, amp, music system and those two. All sources of music. We broke her. Even you" Jackson swallowed hard. Jackson moved to Connie's door and sat his back against her door. "Connie. I didn't want it to be this way. None of us did. Ezekiel, Kai, Dan, Nolan, mason and I, we never wanted this. Christian and Levi didn't even know and even then I think they wouldn't have agreed. I had no choice. This has been my life for years. The Intel, the protection, it's not easy for any of us" not hearing anything bar a can hit the wall, Jackson put his head down "I wasn't lying when I said.." "Jackson" Jackson looked at simmo and simmo turned his eyes "won't respond?" "No. She destroyed all her sources of music too. The guitar, the amp, the music system, the phone and the ipod I gave her" Jackson put his head back down "she will be on watch. She won't leave that room without anyone knowing" "yeah that makes it better".

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