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"twenty four hours is up" Connie grinned "anyone would call it stalking" "yeah well.. others would call it being intrigued" "who are these others?" "There isn't any" "yeah I don't know about that" Jackson internally grinned "need a code?" "Nah.. I haven't got all day to sit and listen" "I don't. Only when I press a button" "hoping to hear something?" "No fucking way" seeing men start to come in, Connie spoke "bye" Jackson grinned as Connie hung up the phone. Simmo looked at Connie. 'everyone is around. Who is she speaking with?. its not Ashton is it? No. Any of these men? No' simmo Internally grinned 'javkson' "important call?" "No idea" Kai and Ezekiel moved to sit beside connie and christian laid over them "oh fuck off" Connie looked at christian. "Everyone is here. Who are you speaking to?" "It's your imagination" "I need details" "what for?" "I'm a curious cat" "do you know what happened?" "No" "curiosity killed the cat" christian chuckled. "I need to make sure you are good" "never good" Connie winked at christian "argh" the guys laughed "she winked at you, didn't she?" "Yep".
Hearing three cars, Alena looked around. 'shit' seeing Bronson and his men enter, Connie kept her eyes away from them. "Mom" "Bronson" "it's been a while" "yep" "I know I fucked up and I've had to suffer everyday. I was.. out of my mind. No one deserves that" "you better stick to what I said" Bronson showed a slight nod. "Yeah I will" "good. Find a seat" 'fuck I want her so darn bad' Connie internally grinned knowing jackson is here. "It's good to have everyone together" "minus a few" "I heard Connie is around. How did that happen?" "Met her and invited her to stay" "as you do" "yeah well I have for many men too. All trustworthy" "so they should be. Where is Levi?" Simmo put his head down "in the line" "you don't seem happy?" "I'm not" all the men looked at simmo not saying a word. "how about we pick this up" "yeah music sounds good" keeping herself hidden, christian grinned "you like music right?" Connie nodded. Hearing bon Jovi pump throughout the house, Connie spoke "figures" christian laughed "hey I want in" "saying it figures that Alena put bon Jovi on" "yeah you aren't wrong. You good?" "Just doing what I do best" Ezekiel grinned "hide?" "You know me, I like to keep warm" kia, Ezekiel and christian laughed "going to move anytime soon christian?" "nah I have the best seat in the house" "your head on her lap?" "Yep" Connie grinned as she gripped his hair "oh fuck yes" Connie let a quiet laugh slip. When it changed songs, all four stayed silent until it picked up again. Feeling eyes on her, Connie looked around under hood. seeing Jackson with a small grin, for a split second Connie grinned and hid it again. 'fuck those dimples drive me wild' "so we are just drinking and listening to tunes?" "Is that what you want?" "Nuh" "nor I. How about a stand up comp?" The guys all grinned "FUCK YES LET'S GO" all four stood up and walked out side then ran to the watering hole. "no shoes or tech" "yeah we better get rid of those". 'where did they go?' simmo got up and walked out side. "NUH THATS FUCKING CHEATING" simmo followed the voices down to the watering hole. "that's the way it works" "Nuh new rules" "Nuh it's jump" "it's push if you keep going" "only because he always falls off first" simmo sat down on the edge just watching. "one jump" all jumping the raft wobbled making all of them laugh as they tried to stay steady. Simmo grinned "spin" "fuck Kai" all spinning the raft kept wobbling "jump twice" simmo held in his laughter As they all dropped "still living" "let's make this harder" "every fucking time you say that, we fall In" "only way I'm getting wet" the guys cracked up laughing. Seeing Ezekiel fall in Connie laughed "he got wet" "found the hole did ya Ezekiel?" "fuck up Connie" "I might like it on top" "argh" everyone laughed including simmo. "What.." "yeah I already knew he was there. Too much of a pansy to get on" simmo smirked "no I know where the hole is" everyone laughed "JUMP" "fuck.." Kai laughed as christian fell in. "let's make this more interesting. What do you say bible?" "Oh don't you fucking start calling me that" "hey it's in the name" "let's rock it" Kai and Connie moved closer to the middle making the guys grin "what's the call?" "Spin and hop" "fuck" as they spun and hopped christian and Ezekiel rocked the raft "shit shit shit .. nah I got it" "Jump twice" both jumping Kai pulled Connie back into the water "FUCK THATS COLD" "what no warm hoodie" "oh you better know how to fucking swim" simmo grinned 'shes happy with these guys. There's nothing between them' all racing out, they kept laughing "could shake all over simmo" "don't even think about it" simmo stood up making all four laugh "suppose we better head back and get dry" "yep. You going to be alright?" "Climb through the window" "is that still open?" "Have to go see my boyfriend somehow" "what's his name?" "Vibrator" "oh fuck off. That can't be as satisfying as the real thing" "tell me?" The men all laughed as Kai smirked "I would hunt you down but you run too fast" "it's all those.." "don't you bring my chips into this. They have feelings" Connie laughed as she picked up her shoes and phone. "How do they feel Kai?" "So hard.." "he's talking about his dick when he looks at midget porn" "fuck up. I don't need no midget" "be the right height for a gobby" everyone laughed. Getting to the house, Connie grinned "see ya on the other side" "knew it" Connie climbed through her window then locked it before getting dry and dressed. Walking out, Connie looked around. 'none of the guys are out yet. I'm going to get a drink' walking around the house and into the kitchen, Connie grabbed the bottle of scotch. "Connie" Connie looked directly at Jackson. "Jackson. It's been a long time" Jackson grinned "you could say that. How are things?" "Yeah good. Been busy?" "Always. You know how work can get" "yeah I am aware. Want a drink?" "That's why I am here" "makes sense" Jackson walked around the bench and brushed his hand across her lower back. Both making up a drink, not a word was spoken. "Connie" "yeah?" "I want to speak with you" "why?" Arlo sighed "you shot me" "yep" "I understand you were angry.." Connie looked directly at Arlo. "angry?" "Yeah. Omre killed Levi.." "one of the good ones" "we had done a lot for you connie. I never expected you to shoot me" "I never expected the bloods to kill Levi either. What did he do?" "Nothing" "that's right he did nothing and he was murdered" Arlo put his head down "I heard what Alena told simmo. We aren't like that" "is that right?" "Yeah we have always tried to look out for those around us" "Levi was but the order was put out. He was water to me" "water?" "Yeah we need water" "you needed him?" "Yes" "why?" "He cared" "WE CARE" Connie grabbed her drink "you care?" "Connie.. yes we do care. We care about your well-being. We know you are mentally unstable" "in whose opinion?" "Ours" "the bloods?" "You are one of us" seeing Connie's eyes change Arlo sighed "sorry but simmo, myself, kelvin, Joel, madd and Ashton see you as family" "Ashton? All he wants is a fuck. Madd can get stuffed. Joel.. yeah well who knows what the real side of him is. As for you three, yeah you did care but you also hit me. Kelvin hasn't but I can see he's not pure either" "not pure?" "No" "you pushed us Connie" "you didn't listen.." "WE TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND" "I'm not part of your family. You don't tell me what to do" in anger Arlo raised his gun and Connie sculled her drink then walked towards him and put her forehead to the gun "do it Arlo" Arlo tightened his finger around the trigger. "DO IT" "LOWER YOUR FUCKING WEAPON" Arlo lowered his weapon and Connie stepped back "have a drink Connie" "I had one. I'm going to get some water" simmo nodded as Connie walked out "never address her as a blood Arlo. A blood killed her brother. She will fight all the way. She already told me. We don't tell her what to do. The only thing that will do is push her more. It's not the people Arlo, it's the name that we are associated with" Arlo sighed "so what do we do?" "We care but never force her. Never tell her what to do" Arlo nodded.

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