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"OH NO ITS FUCKING NOT" simmo slammed tanz to the ground before walking around and sat next to Mallory. "how's the head?" "It was the back" "right. Give me a look at that gorgeous face" Mallory looked at simmo. Tanz, azza and micha all looked at her wide eyed. "Shit I'm sorry" "YEAH YOU FUCKING ARE. MORON" "it's healed a little but it will take quite a few weeks" "yeah I know" "YO WHERE'S THE SHARPIE? WE HAVENT WROTE ON THAT CAST YET" Mallory let a small laugh slip. "Clint did" "what when?" "The other day when he stayed with me in hospital" "yeah I did" Mallory grinned as she seen Clint. "Hi Clint" "you better not have got rid of that" "not for at least five weeks" "yeah good" the men grinned. "Well let me see" Mallory raised her hood and showed simmo her plaster. Simmo laughed "seriously Clint?" "She can't forget my name now can she?" "Don't look at that cast anymore" Mallory chuckled "here simmo" "arm up miss" Mallory put her arm up and simmo wrote on it. 'stay strong gorgeous. You are made to be here' Mallory showed a small grin as she read it. "I'm not right now" "oh yes you are. Still here right?" "Yes" "still walking?" "Yes" "haven't lost those dimples.." Mallory put her head down and simmo internally grinned "yeah they aren't going anywhere and no one is going to get near you unless you want them there. Are they?" The three men nodded "we understand loud and clear" "good".
"Here Mallory" "thank you Ashton" "anything you don't like on that plate?" Mallory chuckled "hungry simmo?" "He's always hungry" "no" "argh" the men laughed. As the men continued to talk, Mallory slowly ate her meal until she couldn't eat any more. Pushing the plate in front of simmo he grinned "thanks" "that's why you stuck around?" "Just helping Mal out" "yeah right".
"ASHTON. TANZ I FUCKING TOLD YOU WE HAVE A SHIPMENT COMING.." simmo glared at jessup 'oh shit' 'thats twice this shipment has been mentioned. I don't know if I like the sound of what these men do' Mallory sat silent. Arlo tried getting a clear view of Mallory's face. 'right' Arlo grabbed out another bit of chocolate and slid it across the table. "Thanks" "that wasn't for you" 'i don't give a shit. Whose slut is this?" 'a slut, filth, a disgrace, worthless, useless, ugly, only thing you are good for' Mallory stood up and walked away "MAL" Mallory walked to her room and sat down. Grabbing out her ipod, Mallory turned it on and put on some music. 'They have all been right but I don't want to live this way. I wanted to have a good life like others' seeing a figure in front of her, Mallory stayed dead still. Arlo bent down and looked at Mallory's eyes. 'yeah her mind has taken over. I can't have that happen' "he's right.." "he's not fucking right. None of them are. You don't listen to that bullshit.." "I want you to be honest with me Arlo" "I am" "what do you do for work?" Arlo put his head down just like Ashton did. "Three of those men have guns and twice a shipment was mentioned. I want to know" "Mallory.." Arlo sighed and sat down "cartel" Mallory sat silent. "Look we aren't bad people. It's just business. It brings in the money. It's been in the family for years" "you kill people" "not if we don't have too" "drugs and weapons?" "Yes" Mallory only nodded 'they haven't done that to me. They haven't threatened my life. Given me those things' "I am in danger here" Arlo sat silent not sure what to say "Arlo and Mal. Not coming back out?" Arlo looked at kelvin "just having a chat right now" "Ashton had to go with azza, tanz, jessup and micha. There's only us here" "feel comfortable coming back out Mallory?" "Yeah.." Mallory walked out with Arlo and kelvin. "Don't worry about those men Mallory. They can be very pigheaded" 'im not worried about them. What I have been through can't be worse than what they would do' 'shes not worried, she knows who we are. I just don't know what she thinks about it. She knows she can be in danger being here but she hasn't left' 'i don't think I should be here' "got music playing?" "Yeah. Jacksons mix isn't too bad" "how many songs?" "Over a thousand" "will take you a while to get through them" "yeah it will" "what kept you entertained in your room?" "Music" "nothing else?" "No" "did you have anything to keep you entertained?" "Had a phone a one point but my sister took it when she broke hers" "that's no surprise. That thing sounds like a tramp" Mallory nodded.

Spending a few hours with the men, Mallory said goodnight and went to bed. Her thoughts going crazy with what Arlo had told her earlier in the night, Mallory didn't know what to think.

Waking up, Mallory got out of bed and looked around. 'my stuff has been put in my room?' Mallory grabbed the arm cover and put it on before entering the bathroom. 'i need a shower' entering the shower, Mallory scrubbed her body and washed her hair then rinsed herself off before getting out. 'i need to brush my teeth. Please tell me there's a tooth brush and paste in here still' seeing everything she needs Mallory kept the towel around her and brushed her teeth before brushing her hair. 'time to get dressed' finding a full outfit, Mallory put it on and kept her hood on. 'i need food' exiting the bathroom, Mallory stopped in her tracks. "Mal..I didn't know where you had gone" "morning Ashton. I'm going to go have a coffee and food" "I can make it" "no that's okay" "is something wrong?" "No" "very quiet" 'i don't know what to say' "not long ago woke up" Ashton nodded. Exiting the room, both of them walked to the kitchen. Mallory looked around. 'coffee' grabbing a cup, Ashton spoke "not a good sleep Mallory?" "It was fine. Who brought my stuff in?" "I don't know" Mallory nodded "did they touch you?" "No. I would've woke up" "good. That's the last thing I want" 'i need to find a job but I can't go out and work for atleast six weeks. Even then who will hire me with a moon boot on' "something troubling you?" "I need to get a job" "no you dont" "I appreciate the help Ashton but I need to get on my feet. I have no idea what I want to do but anything to bring the funds in" "is there something you need or want?" "I don't know" 'her answers are concerning' "maybe a phone to start off with" "yeah maybe. It may help" "then I will get you one" "thanks but.." "no buts. I can get it". "Do you want a coffee?" "No I have already had one. I have some errands to run this morning. You can have a look around if you would like to. The back yard is quite large" "thanks" Mallory made herself a coffee and made sure the bench was spotless before walking out the back. 'something is definitely wrong' Ashton sighed.

'this is actually a decent back yard. I thought it would be all house with the size but I was wrong' taking a seat at the back table, Mallory looked out over the pool and gardens. "Who are you?" Mallory looked around "Mallory" "yeah I have heard about you. I'm Joel. Heard you have had some troubles" Mallory nodded as Joel moved to sit at the table. "Ashton has gone but I will be here to make sure you are alright" "why wouldn't I be?" Joel stewed on what he would say "you may need something. I know you are injured" 'he just lied to me' "yeah well as simmo said, I'm still alive" "not an ordeal you want to go through" "you know exactly what happened" "physical and sexual assault is what I was told" "yeah.." 'not something I want everyone to know but hey, it is what it is' "you are a very quiet one. Arlo said you can be very outgoing" "haven't even finished my coffee yet" "that explains it" Mallory slowly drank her coffee 'this guys just keeps talking' "how do you know these men?" "Family" "who are you related to?" "Kelvin" Mallory nodded "son?" "Nephew" "a lot of similar features" "don't tell me that. I will need to go get surgery done" "I'm sure you can afford it" "what makes you say that?" "Just a guess but kelvin seems like a decent man" Joel grinned "can be. Why do you keep yourself hidden under that hood" "used to it" "makes sense. I'm going to guess and say brown eyes and dark brown hair" "ones correct" Mallory looked at Joel "shit nice make up" "I'm not a fan of it".

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