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As Mallory opened her eyes, Ashton immediately moved to the edge of the bed. "Mallory?" Mallory's eyes immediately showed fear "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Ashton. Do you remember me carrying you in?" Mallory nodded then closed her eyes "are you in pain?" "Yes" Ashton instantly pressed the buzzer "I'm getting the doctor or nurse in here" "thanks" "a whisper is better than not speaking" when the door opened up, Ashton looked at the nurse. "Mallory is awake and in pain" "Mallory Im the head nurse here at the mercy hospital. You are in pain?" "Yes" "it's good to hear you speaking. I can give you some pain relief. It will be putting it in through your arm so we don't put any strain on your throat. You will need to try eat and drink but I will get your pain relief first" "thank you ma'am" when the nurse walked out, Mallory's ocean blue eyes shifted around the room. "There's no one else here. Alena will come in to see you tomorrow" "why did you stay?" "I won't allow anyone to hurt you. From what I hear people have done nothing but make your life hell and that won't happen again" 'i don't know this guy and he is here for me?' "what are my injuries?" When the door opened up again, Ashton ignored the nurse and kept eye contact with Mallory. "Two broken cheek bones, broken wrist, two broken ribs, fractured ankle, eight stitches in your lower region, severe bruising over your body. They didn't need to do surgery on your cheeks or ankle. Your arm is in a cast and you are stuck in here for at least a week" "he covered it all. I have administered your pain relief Mallory. I will get someone to bring you in some soft foods and some water" "thank you".
"Atleast a week?" "Yeah.." "I can't afford.." "it's the public system. You don't need to pay" Mallory showed a slight nod. "Alena said you are an out cast in your family" "the dud" "nah that's not right. From what I hear, your sister is" "she's uneducated and not very conservative" "and you were?" "I completed my schooling at fifteen and I was never allowed to address anyone" "not at all?" "No. My head was to be down at all times unless no one was around" "what?" Mallory showed a slight nod 'shes a fucking stunner. Even under all the bruising and swelling I can see it' "why would they do that?" "I'm a disgrace. No one will ever love me.." "that's what they told you?" "Yes. Are you friends with Alena?" "Simmo, the other man that came with is my father and that's Alenas cousin" "oh" "who did all of this to you?" "Bronson" "WHAT.." seeing Mallory move, Ashton calmed his tone "I'm sorry. I'm not angry at you. Just.. I didn't think he would ever do this to someone" "I'm just a disgrace and filth.." "thats what he told you?" "Yes" Mallory closed her eyes as she held in her tears.

"BRONSON" all the men stood up as Alena entered "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON?" Jackson put his head down "in the office" "DID YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT HE HAS DONE? THAT POOR GIRL IS IN FUCKING HOSPITAL.." "WHAT?" Alena stormed up stairs and kicked the door open. "MOM.." "OH DONT YOU FUCKING MOM ME. YOU ARE A FUCKING FILTHY, ABUSING ASSHOLE. YOU THINK THAT ITS OKAY TO BELT SOMEONE TO THE POINT THEY CANT MOVE? THAT ITS OKAY TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT A YOUNG GIRL. WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS INEXCUSABLE. YOU ARE FUCKING TRASH. JUST LIKE YOUR FUCKING FATHER. LET ME TELL YOU THIS YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT, YOU EVER GO NEAR THAT GIRL OR ANY FUCKING GIRL AGAIN AND I WILL CUT YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF WITH A FUCKING SAW" "MOM.." "WE ARE FUCKING DONE HERE. FUCKING DISGUSTING" alena stormed downstairs. ""MOM WAIT" "WAIT FOR FUCKING WHAT? I WONT BE FUCKING SAVING YOUR FUCKING ASS. IF THAT GIRL LAYS CHARGES IM ON HER FUCKING SIDE" All the men kept their eyes away from Alena and Bronson. Alena walked out slamming the club door and got in her car. 'fucking pig' 'he put her in hospital. I don't know her that well but I do know she didn't deserve whatever he did' Jackson walked out and got in his car. Driving straight to the hospital, Jackson got out and walked inside. "is a Mallory here?" "Last name?" "No idea" the nurse nodded "floor four, room twenty two" "thanks".

Jackson opened the door and went to walk in only for Ashton to stand up. "What the hell are you doing here?" "I need to see Mallory" "you fucking touch her and you are a dead man" "I wouldn't do that" entering the room, Ashton watched Jackson's every move. Seeing his face drop, Ashton already knew it hurt him seeing her the way she is. Jackson put his head down as he walked around the bed. "Mallory?" Mallory looked at Jackson "he's here" Mallory tried to move "no. No he's not here. Alena came to the club and I overheard what she said. I'm sorry this has happened to you. What's your results?" Mallory pointed to Ashton. "Two broken cheek bones, broken wrist, two broken ribs, fractured ankle. Stitching in her lower region, swelling in the throat, severe bruising all over her body" Jackson held down his vomit as he turned away. "HOW THE.." "In a hospital Jackson" "how the fuck can someone do that to another. I'm.. this makes me feel sick" Mallory and Ashton stayed quiet. When the nurse entered, she looked at Ashton, Jackson and then Mallory. "Mallory, I'm going to sit your bed up. If you feel any sudden pain, please tell me. We need to be very careful" "okay".
"Are you okay?" "No sudden pain" 'creamy soup and water. Okay this will be gross' when the nurse left, Mallory raised her lip making Ashton laugh. "not a soup fan?" "Creamy soup which I am positive is bland and water?" Jackson and Ashton chuckled at the way Mallory said it. Having a taste, Mallory forced it down. "I'm guessing it's alright?" "I need food. The last thing I ate was biscuits with coffee. My guess was correct. It's bland" "three days ago?" Mallory looked at Jackson "yes" Jackson took a deep breath as Ashton clenched his hands. Finishing the soup and water, Mallory placed the tray down and sat back. "did the nurse mention anything to you about the bathroom?" "No" Mallory pressed the button and the nurse rushed in. "Mallory did the food and drink not sit well?" "Can I go to the bathroom?" "Yes but I will need to get you a wheel chair" "I will carry her" "Mallory?" Mallory nodded "that's fine" "alright" Ashton stood up and put his arm under her leg and behind her back. Jackson turned away making sure not to see anything he shouldn't. "Thank you Ashton" "it's fine" Mallory did her business and gently wiped herself before flushing the toilet. Hearing the toilet flush, Ashton walked back in and picked Mallory up and walked out. "Ashton?" "Yeah?" "My hands?" Ashton chuckled "back in we go" Mallory washed her hands then dried them before Ashton carried her back to bed. "Thanks Ashton" "happy to help" Jackson turned back around as Mallory covered herself again. When the door opened, Ashton immediately stood up. "Ashton" Mallory immediately hid her face "simmo told me you were down here. Need a replacement?" "No. I'm staying" Arlo looked at Mallory but couldn't see what she looked like. "This is Mallory?" "Yep" "shy one?" "Hmm, don't know. Mallory?" Mallory looked at Ashton. "I will introduce you" Mallory nodded "Arlo get over here" Arlo moved and stood beside Ashton. "Arlo this is Mallory, Mallory, Arlo. A good friend of the family" Mallory looked at Arlo "hi" "shy or untrusting?" "I'm not used to being able to look at someone. Trying to break the habit" "what do you mean by that?" "I haven't been allowed" "since when?" "Five" "what?" "Joanne and Tom wouldn't allow me too" "and who are they?" "The people who brought me into this world" Arlo shook his head "this is fucked up" "I agree" "that's all of us. That family had Mallory doing her sisters school work. The stupid bitch came to the fucking club expecting Mallory to continue" "what?" "Yep" "they got rid of the wrong one by the sound of it".
"Mallory how are you feeling?" "Can I not eat solids?" "Would you like to try?" "Yes" "right I will see what I can do. The kitchen is closed" "thanks".
"Think you can eat a fatty burger?" Mallory looked at Ashton "never had one" "never?" "No" "she's been missing out. Can't go wrong with a fatty burger" "coming from you. Look at your guts" "piss off Ashton" the men laughed 'i guess they are only playing around. I have heard many people do that'.

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