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'listen here you dud, you don't fit in here. You are ugly, a disgrace, useless, worthless piece of shit. No one will love you anyway. We never wanted you, you should never have been born. Do what you are fucking told and don't fucking complain. Understand me?. Yes joanne. Good you are a fucking disgrace'
'eww it's the dud. Why the hell does she have a room? Shes not even worth it. I want her room for my friends to stay over'
'move out of my fucking way you stupid bitch. You better have finished my school work'
'you are filth, scum, a disgrace. No wonder your family got rid of you. Now you are mine and I plan to fucking destroy you after what you have done' Mallory immediately sat up. Looking around, Mallory looked to see Ashton asleep on the bed near hers. Letting the tears fall, Mallory stared at her hands. 'why is my life like this?. I see so many people happy and laughing. What did I do to deserve all of this?. Why do I have to be treated this way. I haven't done anything to anyone. I haven't hurt anyone but they continue to hurt me. It's not fair' seeing the door open up, Mallory moved back. "Mallory?" Mallory looked at Alena "oh hunny" Alena moved to sit on the bed and give Mallory a gentle hug. Immediately Mallory moved back "sorry I know you arent used to embraces. Hard morning?" Mallory nodded "difficult sleep" "the pain?" "That's part of it. Are you taking me back?" "No you will never be going back to your parents or Bronsons" 'i will be on my own' "morning Alena and Mallory" "morning Ashton, sleep well?" "Yeah it was alright. Didn't get too much but enough to keep me going" "I will get you both a coffee and food. Simmo will be coming in this morning too. I believe he is going to bring you a change of clothes" "yeah that would be good" "alright I will be back shortly. White with one Mallory?" "Yes thank you" "welcome". As soon as Alena left, Ashton moved to sit in front of Mallory. "Rough sleep?" "Yes. You slept okay?" "Yeah it was alright. When you get out of here, I would like you to come stay at mine" Mallory raised her head to look at Ashton "why?" "To make sure you are safe and have a roof over your head. I know you can't work right now and that's fine. I have plenty of money to support us. I don't want to hear that you have gone back to those who brought you into this world and you definitely aren't going back to bronsons. He's lucky he is still alive after what he has done. That's not okay for anyone. Was he handed your papers?" "My birth certificate?" "Yes" "I don't believe so. I was grabbed out of the.. room" "what were you going to say?" Mallory put her head down "Mallory?" "The cupboard" "did you have a room?" "Four years ago. They gave it to Bethany for when her friends stay" Ashton inhaled deeply as his anger grew. When the door opened up, Ashton looked directly at it. "here you go you two. I wasn't sure what you would like Mallory so I brought you both a ton" "thanks Alena" "thank you" Alena moved to sit down on the guests chair with her coffee. "Have you had pain relief this morning?" "At four a.m" "right and how's the pain?" "Tolerable right at this minute. I believe the nurse said every six to eight hours" "I didn't even hear her come in" "typical man. Sleep through a bomb going off" Ashton chuckled "no I wouldn't. She was obviously very quiet" "big change to those who bang trolleys up and down the corridor..." "Eww that tastes like shit" Ashton and Alena looked at each other wide eyed before they both laughed "not a fan of anchovies mallory?" "Oops sorry I know you.." "trial and error Mallory. Good to see you were honest" Mallory flicked the anchovies to the side making Ashton laugh. "Never giving her anchovies again" "have you spoke to Mallory?" "Yes. We need to get her birth certificate and I need an answer" "would you be comfortable living with Ashton?" Mallory looked at Alena and Ashton "from my past experiences, I don't believe it could be worse, so yes" Ashton and Alena grinned "looks like we need to go get your certificate. Do you know where it is?" "No. I have never seen it" "we will need your parents address. Simmo and his men will go get it" "nineteen hiace street" "rich family?" Mallory shrugged "I guess. They have plenty of money" "did you see any of it?" "No" "Alena they had her sleeping in a cupboard so her sisters friends could have Mallory's room" "WHAT?" Mallory nodded "right this needs to be sorted immediately. What about clothes?" "I don't have any" "that won't do. You prefer trackies and hooded jumpers?" "Yes" "know your size?" "I prefer the larger ones" "so you don't show your body?" "Yes" "hmm what about medium?" "That's fine" "your underwear?" "Small" "bra?" "Never worn one" Ashtons eyes went wide "what?" Alena laughed "well that's news".
Seeing the door open, Mallory put her head down. "Mallory this is simmo" Mallory looked at simmo. "Hi" "hi Mallory. How are you feeling?" "Okay at the minute. Do you like anchovies?" Alena and Ashton laughed "not a fan huh?" "No" "you don't know what you are missing out on" "they taste like.. they are awful" Ashton chuckled "we heard they taste like shit" "sorry" "nah say it straight. I don't like them either" simmo grabbed the anchovies and shoved them in his mouth. "I do" Alena chuckled. "we need to retrieve her birth certificate" "where are we going?" "Nineteen hiace street" "hmm fucking rich pricks" Mallory put her head down "not you. I will get it. Names?" "Joanne and Tom are the parents. Daughter is Bethany. All fuckwits" "I already worked that out. I will be back soon" "thanks simmo" "beers" "yeah you will have em" simmo grinned "if there's anything else you don't like, just leave it and I will eat it" Mallory nodded as she held in her smile.

"Clint, Arlo and kelvin with me" "where are we going?" "To retrieve a birth certificate" "Mallory's?" "Yes" "let's go" "who the hell is Mallory?" "I'm sure you will find out".
Arriving at the house, all four got out and simmo walked straight to the door, kicking it open. Hearing two women scream, simmo showed malice. "WHERE IS MALLORYS BIRTH CERTIFICATE?" "sir.." simmo slammed the dining table to the wall. "WHERE IS IT?" "WHATS GOING ON OUT HERE?" "ARE YOU THE SCUMBAG WHO GAVE MALLORY AWAY?" Tom stepped back "MALLORYS BIRTH CERTIFICATE. I WANT IT NOW" tom rushed to the office while kelvin followed. "YOU BETTER GET THAT FUCKING CERTIFICATE MORON" "I'm.. I'm getting it. Where is my daughter?" "LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE.." tom swallowed hard.

"Where's the piece of shit?" Simmo walked over to Bethany "AWAY FROM YOUR UGLY SPOILT ASS. YOU ARE THE DISGRACE. YOU ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING. YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID, YOU CANT EVEN DO YOUR OWN SCHOOL WORK. LET ME GUESS, THE SLUT OF THE FAMILY?. THERES NOTHING GOOD ABOUT ANY OF YOU. GO NEAR HER, CONTACT HER OR EVEN LOOK IN HER FUCKING DIRECTION AND I WILL USE THIS ON YOU" simmo pulled out his knife and Bethany started crying "YOU ARE FUCKING WEAK" Joanne slammed her hands to his back "YOU DONT.." "oh shit" simmo grabbed Joanne by her hair and lifted her up "THE UGLY MOTHER. JUST LIKE YOUR SLUT OF A DAUGHTER" simmo threw her into the kitchen sink making her scream out in pain as she hit the faucet "MOM" "NEVER TOUCH ME" "LETS GO. WE HAVE WHAT WE NEED" simmo glared at all three before walking out.
"Joanne what did you do?" "HE THREW HER" tom put his head down "this is all because of you two. our lives have turned to shit. That man was right. You are both a fucking disgrace. You are both fucking ugly and both stupid" Bethany broke down "SHE IS THE.." "YOU ARE A SLUT, UNEDUCATED, UNGRATEFUL, UGLY ON THE INSIDE AND OUT AND A FUCKING THIEF. MALLORY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE STUNNING POLITE AND INTELLIGENT GIRL IN THIS HOUSE. THE ENTIRE REASON YOU TWO MADE HER STAY AWAY AND HIDE IS BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING JEALOUS. DONT THINK I DONT KNOW THAT YOU TOOK HER ROOM, THAT YOU TOOK EVERYTHING I BOUGHT HER. GUESS WHAT? YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE IT ALL. I'M FUCKING DONE" tom walked out of the kitchen and into Bethany's room. Taking all of her belongings, tom put them in his car. "TOM.." "GET BACK IN THE FUCKING HOUSE".


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