IX | Horrificator

Start from the beginning

There was a mirror covered in what looked like pink goo. Marinette reached up, touching the goo with her finger. Both you and Marinette shared a look of concern. "Uh-"

"Marinette! [Y/N]!" Alya ran in the bathroom catching your attention. "Did you guys fine Mylene?"  She asked.

"No." Marinette replied sadly. "Well, you've got to come asap, producer. Their about start shooting with Chloe!"

You, Marinette, and Alya, burst back in the classroom interrupting Chloe's pathetic attempt at kissing Adrien. "Cut!" Marinette frowned. Nino pushed through Chloe and Adrien up to Chloe. "Marinette, what gives? We're in the middle of a shoot and I'm the director, fyi. I say "cut", no-one else, comprende?"

"And I'm the producer. Mylene's supposed to be the star of this movie." Marinette fought back. While they bickered, you snuck back into your seat, holding your head up with your hands. Alix hopped into the seat next to you sitting in the same position you were.

"What a movie." She said boredly. You hummed. "Tell me about it. Today's been full of Mylene getting scared, and arguing." Alix laughed a little.

You brought your attention back to the arguing group, Marinette being the one talking. "This movie's a team effort. Your nurse idea is perfect, Chloe." Chloe rolled her eyes. "Of course it's a perfect idea because it's mine."

"But Chloe, you don't have a uniform." Marinette blinked at her. Chloe gasps. "Right! Which is why that idea was never believable in the first place."

"I think you and your assistant should go to the nurse's office and try on some uniforms." Marinette led her to the door. Chloe snapped her fingers calling for Kim and Max. "You've just been promoted to wardrobe and bodyguard."

Once the four (Sabrina left with them too, of course) left the room, Nino put his hands on his hips. "Way to go, Miss producer. Now we have no lead again."

"Yeah, but now we've just gotten rid of Chloe." Marinette smirked. Nino continued frowning and looking frustrated. "And now what?"

"We go find Mylene. She's here somewhere." Marinette gestured outside the classroom. Nino waved his finger in front of Marinette's face. "I told you, tick-tok, there's no time. We need a lead, now."

"What about [Y/N]?" Rose suggested, looking as innocent as she always does. "I think her and Adrien would be cute together." You eyes widened, having almost a look of terror on your face. "Woah, woah, woah. I can't do that. I'm already doing makeup. Also, Adrien and I are just friends." Everyone went silent, looking between you and Adrien; who was definitely zoned off into his own world staring at the ground with thoughtless eyes. "How about Marinette?" You raised your arms at her as if you were presenting her.

"What? No! I can't act. I'm the producer." Alya pulled Marinette aside talking to her for a few seconds. When they turned around Marinette nodded her head agreeing to play the leading roll. You smiled at that, walking up to her.

"Hey, I'm glad you decided to play the lead, it's pretty cool. Um.. I can do some little makeup touch ups, if you'd like?" Alya gave Marinette a thumbs up "sneakily" walking away from you two. "O-oh, yes!"

You grabbed her wrist pulling her to where your seat was, with all the makeup on it. "Okay..." you mumbled, picking up a blush brush, putting a tiny amount on it and dusting her cheeks with her. Her face was already red, if anything she probably needed a toner so she wasn't as blushy. You picked up a small lipstick, (ones you get as a sample or freebie) hesitantly grabbing her chin to tilt her head at an angle to view her lips. Immediately, you could tell her breathing became heavier along with her swallowing thickly. You dabbed the lipstick on her lips, so it only had a light red tint. She rubbed her lips together so it spread evenly, your hand still holding her chin. Her lips parted, letting out a shaky breath. When you looked up from her lips, her glossy eyes were looking down at yours. You brushed your thumb lightly over her cheek, bringing her eyes back to yours. "You're so beautiful." You dragged your thumb from her cheek to her chin letting go of her face.

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