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Short chapter

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Short chapter

~Song Recommendation : Love Maze- BTS

-No one's Pov-

The weather still wasn't the best out there, but it was definitely better, now you can walk peacefully in the streets but you have to wear thick clothing in order not to get sick.

And Jungkook is on his way to Taehyung's house, just like he promised yesterday.

But he felt different today, a good kind of different, why? He doesn't know, he just has it inside him right now.

The florist has been thinking about the pretty skater almost twenty four hours a day, he couldn't get him off his mind, his boxy smile, his skating skills, his love for pretty outfits, his break cheeks especially when they flush red, the way he gets excited over small things like knowing more about flowers, stories from Mrs Kim and of course, food time.

His liking is growing and getting more stronger, he's slowly starting to love the younger boy, he's wondering is the other feels something towards him.

He will take his time to figure all of this out, he needs to talk with Mrs Kim, she's the one who's been helping him with his thoughts for years.

Jungkook sighed and stood in front of the door of Taehyung's house, he had no work today as everything was closed during the weather except mini markets and pharmacies.

He rang the bell and put his hands back in his pocket, waiting.

Not a minute later, the door was opened by Mrs Kim, who smiled and gave him a hug.

"Ah here you are! Taebear can't stop whining about wanting to see you, come in." She made space for him to pass and then closed the door when he went in.

He took off his shoes and followed Mrs Kim to the kitchen where he heard two familiar voices bickering.

"It's good!"

"No this thingy tastes like toothpaste! Strawberry is better!"

"You're very basic, we'll see next summer!"

"Me? Basic?says who."

"Everything." Taehyung mumbled , and was about to take another attack from Jimin but his knight in shining armor entered the kitchen.

"KOO!" Taehyung smiled and ran towards the older male, engulfing him in a big hug.

"Hey petal, I missed you." Jungkook spoke, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy, hugging him back.

"I see you're better now." He pulled away and ruffled his hair, Taehyung nodded but it was followed with a pout. "But mom said I still have to take medicines and stay warm."

"She's right, a cold can come back as soon as it came, plus your nose is still red aww." Jungkook cooed and pooped the younger's nose who whined and pulled away.

"Wanna eat something Jungkook?" Mrs Kim asked, the florist smiled as her and shook his head. "No thanks Mrs Kim I just had my breakfast not too long ago."

And the he was dragged by Taehyung to the living room.


"That wasn't fair."

"But he's a villain-"

"Maybe he has his reasons." Taehyung pouted, looking at the sad scene on TV with glossy eyes, Jungkook smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, comforting him.

"It's okay he will get his justice soon." He said, making Taehyung nod. "He better."

With that the movie ended and Jungkook shut down the TV, wanting to talk to the pretty boy beside him who was adjusting the blanket covering them.

"So you miss skating?" Jungkook asked, earning a nod from the other.

"Very much, it's been few days but it's my favorite thing to do , especially when I'm on my way to your shop."

Jungkook rose an eyebrow. "So you really like my shop huh?"

"No I mean I love going there to see you— I mean the flowers too— I love the shop too and also seeing y- ugh." Taehyung kept stuttering, a pink cloud forming on his cheeks as he messed up his words, the florist just stared at him with fond eyes.

He stroked Taehyung's cheek and pushed a strand of his hair behind his ear. "I love going to my work to see you too." He whispered, making Taehyung shy.

The younger male hid his face in Jungkook's chest to hide his red face. "You're teasing me now." He whined, Jungkook chuckled. "But it's still the truth."

"I enjoy seeing my flowers and staying with them, and you're one of those flowers, the prettiest one."

Taehyung wants to scream.

" b-but I'm not that pretty." Taehyung mumbled, playing with Jungkook's fingers.

"You are really pretty."




"Say no again and I'll make sure to not bring strawberry milk with me next time." Jungkook deadpanned, looking at the boy with a 'serious' face, making Taehyung scoff.

"Hey not fair! Then no banana milk for you."

Jungkook widened his eyes and started to protest."Wait what— we can talk this out you know."


"They'll make a cute couple." Mrs Kim said to Jimin, as they were passing by checking the other two every few minutes.

Jimin crossed his arms. "I'm still not sure about Jungkook."

"Don't worry about him at all, I know him since he was Taehyung's age, and his family are really nice people, we're all old friends, he wouldn't dare to hurt a fly." Mrs Kim said, smiling at the memories that flashed in her mind.

Jimin nodded and glanced at Taehyung's shy yet happy smile. "I just want the best for Tae, ever since we came back here, he's been more happy and I can't be more proud and thankful."

"Yeah highschool took a tool on him." Mrs Kim mumbled, Jimin nodding after her.

"But hey that doesn't mean I'll let Jungkook in so easily, this dude is still annoying as f- duck."

900+ words

I suck at writing fluff 💀👍

Sorry these few chapters were quite boring but the next ones have some interesting info and scenes so :D

How are you sweets? Stay healthy plz :>>>


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