Chapter 8. Claiming

Start from the beginning

"Sorry baby". Tae kissed Mew's temples who was in a deep thinking mode but he let Tae guide him to the rover to leave for the camp.

Tae was noticing Mew reserve and gloomy. But he left it till the end of the ceremony. He thought to talk on it after they get free. For now he was contented that Mew let him keep his hand held while driving.

They reached at 12 in the noon. And head straight for some light snacks break because they had to take a track to hike up. Tae had to walk ahead to lead with 2 hazers in the middle and 2 at the end. They were holding the medical kits to avoid any injury. Mew was following Tae taking slow pace. Although it wasnt a rough path still hiking up.... He shouldnt have agreed. But he was the flag bearer and he had taken his medicine so, so far he was doing good.

They reached the top hill after one and a half hour where Tae lead Mew to flip the flag and then fix it on the pole.

They had their lunch on the up hill as the seniors had arranged everything the previous night. They were responsible for food and over night stay arrangements.

The evening started with so much enthusiam. No hard games. Just running around chit chat, when the seniors asked the juniors to line up for gear ceremony.

Tae saw Mew standing in the last. He raised his eye brows but didnt say anything.  One by one the juniors were coming and taking their gears from the head hazer. Mew felt his heart beating frantically as the line was getting lesser with every junior.

"Phi Tae". Just then a girl from two people ahead of him called Phi Tae..

"Yes Nong".

"Please have this gear". The girl said batting her eye lashes. Mew felt himself stiff.. Two proposals in very short time. And not to mention both girls were beautiful and hot af.

"And why should i"? Tae said raising his eye brows.

"Phi i want to give it to you. Please". She pleaded. It was too much to Mew's liking. He had his head hung low but it wasnt hidden from his friends and his boyfriend too.

"Step aside Nong. You are blocking the path to my boyfriend and i dont like to make him wait". Tae was stern and firm on saying every word. Yet it didnt lit Mew's face and he knew it. Mew wasnt jealous, but insecure.

Two more juniors and finally he got to see his most capable, most chetished, most favorite nong.

"Nong A082". He called him and everyone heard how the cold and restrained tone turned into molten lava. The stoic face from earlier was contoured in beautiful shades of happiness, pride, praise and love. His eyes were warm like the morning sun.

Even if Mew was injured, still he fulfilled all tasks of Sotus diligently, and with utter responsibility. Hence he had proved himself to be the pride of the batch..

"Kurb Phi". Mew lift his head to meet the piercing eyes of his Phi Tae. His direct in line Senior.

"This gear is your identity as an engineer. Bound with dedication. It works only if you want to give your 100%. Otherwise its mere an accessory. Keep it or throw it". Tae said with seriousness and his loyalty for his faculty.

Mew saw Tae putting the gear but it was different than the others. He looked into his eyes and he knew what Mew wanted to ask.

"This ... Is mine. I wore it for a whole year. Never put it off thats why its bit worn out. I wanted to change the leather but then i wanted you to feel the warmth of my touch deeply seeped into it. So... I ask you Nong A082, Mew Suppassit, will you take care of it for me"? He asked locking their gaze.

Mew sighed. A shaky one. He held the one gear that was supposed to be his, in his hand and held Tae's wrist.

"I am not asking you to take care of my heart or feelings or this gear as it symbolizes. But i am saying you so. I have harbored the love i have in your heart for long. Dont ever make me feel insecure or jealous. Change the path if you want, because from now onwards i am not leaving any space for you to leave me. Do you hear"? He clipped the gear on his wrist and his all insecurities were blown away with the breath taking kiss Tae planted on his lips. A full blown tongue sucking kiss. 

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