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In my 3rd year of high school, particularly the first time Minjeong and I were in a different class. Well, this kind of sucks. I guess her parents played a part in this. People knew her parents, both in fame and in their specific expertise.

Though Minjeong never had that problem the moment she stepped on school grounds—she's royalty at this point, as idiotic as she can be, have zero fuck about it and went on with her life.

Anyway, the bell rang for the next period to start. Ning and Aeri went ahead, and I followed behind them.

     "Lia," Minjeong singled me out.

I faced her, and she looked troubled by something. I waited for her to continue what she wanted to say, and I didn't have to wait long enough.

     "Remember that girl?"

I pondered some more. She isn't the type to think of someone else. There are only two of them, and it's not Niki. That guy did her wrong, and I'm glad she cut ties with him.

I nodded, "What about her?"

     "We're classmates. It seems she doesn't remember me."

I laughed at her. She scowled at me, saying it was a serious matter.

     "It'll be fine. Trust your genes."

     "As if that'll help me any better."

I walked away, "See you later."


The day she discovered Karina and Yeji were dating, well, being the Kim Minjeong she is, she went freaking away without telling me, her longest-running friend for more than five years! She went to Japan for a tournament—a badminton game for three months!

She went haywire, breaking her most recent badminton racquet, and damn, Minjeong. Those things cost a lot, and she easily breaks one. Any possible person that she freaking saw holding hands, yeah, that dumb bloke cussed them out. It was quite a spectacle, Sakura said during our video calls (to ensure Minjeong was doing well during her stay).

Hell, I get the gist of why it drove her that mad, which made her go back into playing badminton again. I mean, she and Niki often play together, but hell, when that incident happened between Niki and her— well, she also hated the game like it was the manesfitation of Niki himself.

Imagine my surprise to see that “Live” broadcast with her taking the trophy (damn, she won), and at the same freaking time, she appeared at my doorstep, looking so urgent.

    "Give me a name who can help me."

     "What the fuck am I seeing?" I gaped at the sight of her, and I swear my cat meowed hysterically at me. "I must be insane... I need to stop by the hospital."

The doppelganger of Minjeong barged into my home, making herself comfy on our couch. "No one's going nowhere, Lia. Stop the exaggeration."

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