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     "Fuck," I gritted my teeth. "The other side, it is."

Just as I was to turn away, she made her way to me with a wide, yet sheepish smile. "Good morning, Kim."

Not only am I late, but I also forgot she's the second-tardiest person I have known. Yesterday's incident did not help me in this case — I chose the simplest way out. Noticing that it was my turn, I bypassed Yu to write my name.

Simple way?

I heard a grumble, "You're ignoring me again."

I masked a smile behind my hand. For once, she's right on the money.

Despite hearing my name from her, without waiting and hesitation for her, I bolted to our classroom. I can't handle another minute alone with her.

Throughout the morning classes, I ignored her piercing glares. No matter what you do, I won't look your way and it's very amusing.

When lunch came, I was held back by Lucas. "Minjeong, it's like you go, poof, every lunch."

I chuckled at this. "Just enjoy your lunch, Wong."

     "I'd be willing to give you my side dishes, just to let you know!"

I waved him goodbye and started to walk where I could freely do what I want.

About lunch, I wasn't fond of eating where people stared with much intent at me. So far, I've tried my best to avoid eating there and now, no one in this university knew where I am every lunch.

As I entered the place, its only me. I took in my surroundings — a cabinet filled with trophies and a wall mainly designed with medals and pictures.

It's the badminton court.

It isn't grand or that clean yet this place always calmed me down.

I got to my usual spot by the benches and propped myself, like I always do, for a nap. I closed my eyes and everything went black.



I felt a tap on my shoulders.

     "Irene-unnie was right..."
I furrowed my brows. Shut up. I'm sleeping here.

     "You're such a sleepyhead."
I know this voice.

     "You're really cu– god, what am I saying? Now, I know where you'll be every lunch."
A gentle touch on my hair made me sleepy again. The voices I heard slowly went silent as I succumbed to the touch.



I cried in the corner of a dark room. All alone in an unfamiliar place. I hate this. I'm all alone.

No more was the warmth from my brother.
No more was the kisses my father gave.
No more was the lullaby my mother sang.

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