"You feeling any better?" Sebastian asked.

"A little."


Declan dropped his head onto Sebastian's shoulder, "Thanks for looking after me."


"And...uh..." Declan hesitated, "Thanks for telling me about Felix. I didn't mean to pressure you, I just...I just wanted to know more about you; your past. Sorry if it came across as-"

"I'm glad I told you." Sebastian promised him, then, after a beat of silence, "I think he would've liked you."

"Yeah?" Declan asked hopefully.

"Yeah." Sebastian agreed.

Declan draped his leg over Sebastian's lap, merely because he wanted to be closer to him. He squeezed his hand, and curled into his side, and nuzzled into the crook of Sebastian's neck. He didn't understand it - the constant need to be close to Sebastian - but he couldn't fight it either.

Sebastian squeezed Declan back, his thumb tracing circles onto the back of Declan's hand. He was always so gentle with how he touched Declan. It made Declan's heart feel so unbelievably full.

"The story doesn't have to end like that." Declan murmured into Sebastian's shoulder, "You know that, right?"

Sebastian tensed up beneath him, and said nothing.

"You can speak to him again."

"How?" Sebastian asked.

"We can find him." Declan said, "Online."


"Everyone has social media these days."

"I don't."

"I know." Declan smiled bashfully, "I tried looking for you, but...well..."

"You tried looking for me?" Sebastian frowned.

"Anyway..." Declan cleared his throat, "I'm sure we could find Felix." He tilted his face up, and his eyes locked with Sebastian's, "Do you want me to look?"

Sebastian stared down at him, his lashes framing his dark eyes. His lips were parted, and his cheeks were tinted pink. Declan wanted to kiss him, but he knew it wasn't the right time. Finally, Sebastian sighed, "Yes please." He whispered, as though the request was impossible to choke out.

"What's his last name?"


"Felix Waters." Declan mumbled, typing his name into his phone with shaking hands. For a split second, Declan regretted his offer. He was suddenly hit with the fear that Felix might be more attractive than him. Funnier than him. Smarter than him. Happier than him. Better than him.

Declan was everyone's second choice, after all.

"Is this him?" Declan asked, clicking on an account that belonged to a boy who looked to be around their age.

Sebastian froze.

It was him.

Felix was pretty. Silver eyes and caramel hair. He was smiling in all of his photos; big toothy grins that displayed his dimples. He wasn't alone in any of the pictures; he was always with people, and sometimes, a dog. He looked happy. He looked perfect.

Declan had never been so jealous of anyone in his entire life.

"They're still friends." Sebastian breathed out, clicking on one of the photos. In it, Felix was with another boy, slightly shorter, and wearing the same sickeningly sweet smile as Felix.

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