Sebastian finally managed to untie Declan's shoes, and clumsily pulled them off for him. He glanced back up at Declan, and was struck by how beautiful he looked doused in moonlight, his freckles dusting his nose, and his pink lips pulled into a lazy grin. His green eyes were sparkling like stars, and his messy curls were falling into his face. Sebastian wanted to reach out and touch him, just to make sure that he was real, that he wasn't a dream, or a fantasy, or a sculpture of a Greek god. Because it wasn't possible, to look so messy, and so perfect, all at once.

"Let's get you into some pyjamas, yeah?" Sebastian forced himself out of his trance, pushing himself off the floor, and making his way over to Declan's wardrobe.

"You, too."

"Hm?" Sebastian asked distractedly, plucking an oversized t-shirt, and pair of pyjama shorts out of Declan's closet.

"You, too." He repeated, "Put on some pyjamas."

Sebastian turned around, his brows raised, "You want me to stay?"

A look of disappointment flashed across Declan's face, "You were gonna leave?"

"No." Sebastian promised quickly, desperate to soothe the ache in his chest that Declan's saddened expression had brought, "I mean, not if you don't want me to."

"I don't."

"Okay. I'll stay." Sebastian sat down tentatively beside him, then lightly tugged on Declan's t-shirt, "Can you take this off?"

Declan hummed sleepily, his body going slack, leaning against Sebastian's.

Sebastian sighed, "Alright." He replied, "I'll do it for you."

So, he did. He took off Declan's top, and his jeans, and replaced both with a pair of pyjamas. Afterwards, he dragged Declan into the bathroom, and while he leant tiredly against the counter, Sebastian brushed his teeth for him. After rinsing his own mouth out with mouth wash, Sebastian pulled Declan back towards his bed, and helped him beneath the covers.

The second Sebastian stepped away, Declan latched onto his hand, and squeezed. "Where are you going?" He mumbled into his pillow, his eyes already falling shut.

"To get you some water." Sebastian told him softly, smiling down at the boy beneath him. He was so beautiful. Sebastian just wanted to kiss him all over.

Declan hummed something incomprehensible, then released Sebastian's hand.

Once Sebastian had returned with a glass of water, he placed it onto Declan's bedside table, stripped off into his pants, and crawled into bed beside him.

"Seb." Declan grumbled, curling into his side, and swinging his leg across Sebastian's lap.

"Dec." Sebastian whispered back, raking his fingers through Declan's hair.

Declan squeezed himself closer, "M'sorry." He breathed out.

Sebastian frowned, "For what?"

"Being drunk."

"Don't be-"

"I'm such a dickhead-"

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