Chapter 42 - Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

Clara kissed Michael's head once more before leaving his bedroom. She walked into her room. Ever since the incident with Evan, her and William no longer shared a bed. Their relationship and marriage was growing apart and his anger issues only worsened. No matter how many times she made his favorite food or did something good it was not enough to satisfy him. She was growing impatient and rethinking those divorce papers that sat on top of her dresser. She grabbed them and looked over at them. At the bottom, her eyes widen seeing William's signature signed. She let out a gasp, feeling her heart ache.

She held back tears and a cry that was longing to come out. She sat at the edge of her bed running her hand through her hair. She tossed the papers somewhere in the room, giving herself a moment to relax. Maybe this was good for me.. I could take Michael and Elizabeth out of this hell.

This morning you woke up feeling different.  There was a good feeling inside of you that brought you to dance around in your room listening to Madonna on repeat. You brushed your hair and even made an effort into your outfit today. You placed on lip gloss over your lips and looked at yourself in the mirror. Something great was going to happen and you have no idea what it was. Henry called you down for breakfast as per usual. You skipping downstairs, being greeted with the smell of your favorite breakfast.

Michael fixed his hair switching strands from one side to the other as he sprayed more hairspray into his hair. Iron Maiden playing over his record player. "Michael I need to borrow your hairspray!" Elizabeth shouted walking into Michael's bedroom. "Don't you know how to knock?" he sighed handing the hairspray to her "Relax, it's as if i'm going to walk in with you making out with yourself on the mirror!" she rolled her eyes. Michael huffed and placed his hands in his pockets, checking himself out from every angle.

You and Michael arrived at school. The familiar sound of students talking and the teachers shouting at students wasn't something new. Everyone seemed to die down from whatever rumor was spread about you and Michael. It brought you to let out a sigh of relief as you didn't have the right mentality to deal with any drama. You see your group sitting under the shady trees and they turn to wave and smile at their favorite couple. "Hey Y/n! Michael!" they all shouted motioning for the both of you to come over in which you didn't deny.

You sat in between Victoria and Michael. "Hey guys" you smiled softly "Hey have you guys heard about that halloween party this weekend?" Victoria nudged you with her elbow "I haven't" you shook your head holding onto Michael. "It's gonna be at Angela's. Her birthday is coming up so" Victoria shrugged. "Angela? I hate her she's always getting to guys pants for money" Mark added "Yeah she's kind of a bitch but we haven't been to one so why not" Victoria grinned. "Yeah no i'm gonna have to pass. I promised I would find a girlfriend to match costumes with" Jeremy replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Aren't you and Victoria a couple?" Mari added shuffling her tarot cards. "Me and Victoria? No way" he cringed but a slight blush crept over his pale cheeks... "Oh really?" Mari pulled out the lovers card "This says otherwise. Especially your face" Mari pinched Jeremy's cheeks. "I don't mind matching with you Jerry" Victoria winked at him. Jeremy's face became flushed of embarrassment. The group chuckled. "Okay okay let's just do a group costume yeah?" Mark said glancing at everyone "Sounds great man. I think we should be.." Michael's voice trailed off.

The bell rang throughout the school. "Guess we'll decide later" Michael finished his sentence. "Shopping time!" Victoria stood up, shouting. You and Mari chuckled. The group said their goodbyes and parted ways to their own classes. Your arm linked around Michael's as you walked down the crowded hallway. "I think we should be Frankenstein and the bride" you added "Nah Marty and Doc from back to the future" Michael grinned "I am not going to be Doc" you shook your head. "Ain't nothing wrong with Doc" he kisses your cheek. "I'll see you later baby" he kisses your forehead "See you" you smiled watching him go to the class ahead of you.


You, Mari, and Victoria waiting at the school gates for the boys. The group had discussed to go shopping today for costumes and head over to the pumpkin farm they were having. "Ugh what's taking them so long?" Mari looked at her watch and tapped her foot against the concrete. "You know how boys are. Always taking their sweet little time" Victoria sighed. "So you and Jeremy huh?" you grinned, wrapping your arm over her shoulder. Her eyes went wide and a blush crept over her cheeks. "Me and Jeremy? Pshhh- never" she laughed nervously "The cards say otherwise" Mari smirked. "Guys! Me and Jeremy aren't a thing okay? He has a crush on another girl besides I don't need a boyfriend" she shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest feeling proud of herself.

Michael wrapped his arms around you waist making you jump "Michael!" you smiled and kissed his cheek. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close "I missed you!" "I missed you too~" Michael smothered your face in kisses and praised how beautiful and gorgeous you were. Victoria stared at the two of you feeling jealousy. "So what we're you saying about not having a boyfriend?" Mari grinned prompting her elbow on Victoria's shoulder. Victoria shook her head "Boys are a waste of time-" she spotted Jeremy from a distance walking towards her as if he was walking in slow motion. He fixed his baseball school jacket with his initial on it, combing his hair back and showing his pearly white teeth and his perfect beautiful blue ocean eyes..

Okay yeah. Maybe Victoria is in love with him.

"Hello? Earth to Victoria?!" Mari waved her hand in front of her face while you snapped your fingers to get her out of any trance she was in. She shook her head finally coming back to Earth. "Huh? Oh right! Let's go shopping!" she shouted again raising her hand in the air. Everyone shouted "Yeah!" before walking down the sidewalk. You and Mari glanced over at each other, smirking. Victoria and Jeremy were walking next to each other. They just needed that little push..

"Jeremy! Baby!!!"

A brunette girl threw herself over Jeremy holding him tight "Oh where are you going?! Did you forget our date?" she pouted. The whole group gasped at the sight. Jeremy having a girlfriend?! "Oh uh I actually have plans with the group you could come if you like-" "Perfect! I would love to meet your.. erm..." she hesitated and glanced over at us "Your little group!" she laughed nervously, holding onto his hand. Victoria furrowed her eyebrows. "Um Jeremy this is suppose to be within the group! Your girlfriend isn't even in the group!" "Relax the more the merrier!" Mark added. You and Mari glanced at him giving him that look 'You're not helping' "Whatever" Victoria flicked her hair and rushed ahead of the group. You and Michael glanced at each other in confusion.

"Do you think Victoria is Jealous?" Michael asked you "I don't know. She said she doesn't like him." you replied. You leaned your body against Michael's while holding his hand. You didn't like Jeremy's girlfriend at all. You had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever she talked or laughed loudly over stupid jokes that weren't even funny. "Oh she did that? She's so clumsy!" she shouted. Might as well let the whole world know. "I don't like her Michael. She's giving me.. weird vibes.." you gripped on Michael's denim jacket. "Yeah me too.. let's just get our costumes and leave" "Agreed" you replied.


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