Chapter 12: Dinner

Start from the beginning

When Scarlett tells Rose that they have a special guest, at which my heart melts a little, Rose comes running into the open living room and kitchen and squeals when she sees me.
I get off the barstool in time and catch her as she launches herself at me. I spin us around before setting her down on a barstool, my hands on either side, just in case she loses balance.

She beams up at me and I once again wonder how this child already gets so excited to see me after only knowing me for a few days.

"Hey, Rose." I say and see Scarlett moving back behind the kitchen aisle to continue the cooking.

"What are you doing here?" She asks and looks up at me.

I glance over to Scarlett who also looks at me. It's obvious that we won't tell Rose about the rumors and everything.

"Well, your mom and I just wanted to spend some time together and catch up." I say vaguely but it's enough for Rose as she nods and takes my hand.

"So, she already had her time with you. Now it's my turn." She decides and holds my hand for balance while sliding off the bar stool.

I catch Scarlett grinning at me as Rose tugs on my hand to follow her into the living room. We stop in front of her toy box and she puts the crayons and paper aside to open the box. She looks into it, thinking about what she wants to play with before she hands me a Spider-Man action figure and a purple guy.
In her hands she now has a woman in a black catsuit with red hair, I assume Black Window and Ironman. I chuckle silently at the choice and sit down with her.

"You will play Spider-Man and Thanos." She explains and I nod, so that's the purple guy.

"I will play Black Widow and Ironman. And together with Spider-Man they fight Thanos, okay?" She asks and I nod. I have no real clue what I'm supposed to do but I start to pretend like Thanos is talking.

"I will win this and none of you can stop me." I make my voice sound a little darker, which makes Rose giggle.

The next few minutes, we spend playing with the figures, making up dialogs and making silly fighting noises. Rose's laughter fills the living room and my heart warms up at the sight of her happy state. She doesn't seem to mind that I have no clue what I'm doing and in the end there's only Thanos and Black Widow left. Rose jumps up and holds the figure in front of her.

"I will beat you, Thanos." She exclaims and I get up on my knees to be her size.

"Never!" I reply and she drops her figure and runs towards me. I quickly drop my figure as well, I suppose we're acting it out now.
But different than expected, she runs around me and hugs me from behind, her arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"Down with you." She says and shoots me a pretended angry glare.
I have to hold back a laugh at her cute face and wrap my arms around my back, my hands resting on the underside of her legs to keep her safe as I get up with her on my back. She squeals in surprise but giggles.

"You will never defeat me." I tell her and start to run around with her.

Her arms stay around my shoulder for balance and I also keep my hands where they are, adjusting a little so she doesn't slip.
She giggles and tells me in between them that she will win.
For a few seconds I catch Scarlett looking at us, a fuzzy smile on her face as she watches us play and goof around.

But I concentrate back on Rose as she takes one arm from around my shoulder, so I slow down and come to a halt in the living room. She lifts her arms and hold her wrist out to me.

"My widow bites shock you." She explains me with euphoria and I play along.

"Nooo! I can't move." I whisper-yell and slowly drop down to my knees, always making sure Rose doesn't slip.
When her feet reach the ground, she takes her arms off me and I let her go, so she can move freely. She pushes against my back a little.

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