Chapter 10: Gossip

Start from the beginning

From anonymous sources we heard that those two women have been seen together before with Scarlett's daughter. Rose and the new woman seemed to get along great and were playing around.
A potential new lover? Or are they already dating? And when and where did it happen?

A lot of fans are also wondering, is Scarlett Johansson now a part of the LGBTQ+ family? She seems really happy with her "new family", as people told us. The Marvel star didn't say anything about this woman herself, so we have to keep guessing and waiting for more information.
Who knows, maybe the actress will make their relationship official soon. Or maybe they are just friends.
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I stare at the article for a few more seconds before the information slowly reaches my brain. Scarlett is famous?
I mean she did look somehow familiar but I could never tell why. And I especially never would have guessed that she's a celebrity.
Not because she isn't beautiful and apparently very talented but she trusted me so fast with Rose and also herself. I would have thought she would be more...hesitant because of paparazzi or so.

My mind spins fast and I still can't quite comprehend what I just read. People think we're dating?
We don't even know each other this long and I'm not sure what I feel for Scarlett.

I can't quite judge people for thinking there might be something going on because it does look romantic on the picture but jumping to the conclusion that we're dating or that I'm already part of her and Rose's daily life?
That seems a
Wait, was this the reason she put on a cap and sunglasses when we were outside with Rose and kept looking around? Because she was searching for paparazzi?

I close my phone and drop it onto the bed beside me. It didn't even take the news a whole day until they published what happened last night. Those magazines work fast. But luckily, they don't know who I am, I wouldn't want my whole life to be on display for everyone.

Before I can think even more about it, a message from Scarlett arrives.

Scarlett: Do you have time to talk today?

I stare at the message for a few seconds, this sounds very serious.

Y/n: Yes, I do.

Scarlett: Okay, just send me your address and I will pick you up, okay?

Y/n: Okay, sure.

I send her the address of my hotel and start to get ready, not sure when she will be here.
My show is long forgotten and I close my laptop. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt before brushing my hair and collecting my keys, wallet and phone.

Before I leave the room, I check if I have everything and lock the door. I head down to the entrance hall and step outside the hotel. My eyes search the street for Scarlett but she doesn't seem to be here yet, so I just stand there and wait while my thoughts start to run wild again.

What if she wants to tell me that we can't see each other again?
The rumors are too strong or have too much of an effect on Rose and Scarlett doesn't want that. Or what if she blames me for the rumors?
Maybe she thinks I started them to, I don't know, demand money form them to stop?
I don't want her to think I'm a bad person, especially since I really didn't know who she was.

My attention is brought back when a dark silver car with tainted windows stops in front of the hotel.

One of the windows rolls down and I can see Scarlett in the driver's seat. She offers me a smile that's a little more stiff than usual and her eyes dart around the street.
Without needing her to tell me, I get into the passenger's seat and put on the seatbelt. She rolls the window up again and starts to drive as soon as I'm buckled up.

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