Chapter 19

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Suddenly Michael woke in a bedroom on a bed as he sat up he noticed the stab wound on his chest was bandage up.

He still wondered if what he saw was real or not. But anyway he then got out of his bed and looked at himself in the mirror and something looked different.

He looked different. like a mess. like his guard was finally broken down into rubble.

And Solomon was all he could think about all he could think about was wanting him wanting a second chance with him.

And he was angry at the fact he couldn't have that. That his chance was taken away from him that he rejected Solomon so many times because he didn't want to fall. He had a chance he had multiple chances to be with Solomon and rejected each one.

He was angry all he felt was pure anger and rage at everything.

Then suddenly as he felt this intense anger building.

He punch the mirror shattering the glass. after this he fell to his knees and just looked at himself in the broken peices of glass.

Michael : can one human.... make me feel this way...."

Lucifer : I can tell you but you already know that answer"

Lucifer said as he walked into the room.

Michael : not look at me like I'm weak!"

Lucifer : your not weak for grieving a death of someone you loved"

Michael : ....I did not...."

Lucifer : do you understand why Lilith did what she did.

She fell in love with a human when that human was dying she was desperate to save him do whatever it meant to save despite what might happen to her because she loved him.

even after what happened she didn't regret what she did for him
Even though it ended the way it did.

She loved a human and was punished because it was against rules.

I never thought out of everyone you would be the one following a similar path as her.

I can see you did love Solomon but were unwilling to break the rules even at his death. I'm sure you thought you could of saved him but didn't want the same fate.

And you regret that don't you?"

Michael : .... this woman....knew this and knew I wouldn't do anything....."

Lucifer : most likely did this to break you. Make you act out in a pit of rage so it be easier to kill you. Bring down your guard. As to why she was able to get so close to you. Your mind was somewhere else instead of being on guard "

Michael : I couldn't break the rules that's not who I am. And he knew that. He was ok with the fact that I would never return his feelings. That at his deathbed I wouldn't save him. Even then that.... love was still there it never died...."

Lucifer : humans are complicated beings. "

Michael : I'm suppose to be a perfect angel that is all I want all that is important that is the only right way....but whenever he was around...."

Lucifer : nothing else mattered. It's a shame we have these rules. Humans and angels all beings should be able to love who they want. It's what Diavolo is trying to do his goal is for everyone to work together. "

Michael : .... maybe one day he will achieve that"

Lucifer : one day maybe. If this woman doesn't destroy everything by then"

Michael : .....I've committed sins Lucifer long before meeting Solomon. one that I need to tell you"

Lucifer : well now this is interesting"

Michael then stood up and faced Lucifer and said.

Michael : it's about you and Sat-!?

Suddenly MC rush in and said.


Next thing they heard were the blood curdling screams coming from Satan.

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