Chapter 14

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(To make it sadder)


Solomon immediately stop as he felt multiple gazes on them they then both looked at the doorway and saw Raphael Lucifer and Satan just starring at them.

Michael then immediately let go of Solomon's wrist and said standing up trying to act like nothing happened.

Michael : so is everyone al-

Satan : we know what we saw"

Raphael then sighed and said shaking his head like this wasn't the first time he has caught them almost about to kiss.

Lucifer : guessing this isn't new?"

Raphael : no and won't be the last"

Solomon: who knows? With how things look any one of us or all of us could not live in to see another day"

Michael : .....we should leave now"

Raphael : are you alright?"

Michael : yes I am fine. Are they?"

Satan : totally fine with almost being beheaded. And it's not like he hasn't long w-

Lucifer : Satan shut up?"

Satan : am I wrong? No?"

Solomon : Anyway I'll stay here and do some research on this woman and see what else I can dig up"

Lucifer : sure that is wise?"

Solomon : oh I'll be fine. I've been through worst and it hasn't killed me yet. I'll call if anything seems worry of knowing"

Everyone then nodded in agreement and started walking away towards the door.

And as Raphael Lucifer and Satan walked out the door as Michael was about to leave Solomon shut the door and Michael then ask.

Michael : what are you d-!?

Solomon then put his hand on the side of Michael's face and kissed him. As soon as he did this Michael's eyes widen in surprised and shock.

It felt like it was lasting minutes but it was only a few seconds and after it was done Solomon said.

Solomon : .....I love you... always have always will. Even if you don't feel the same or fully refuse to. Like you have been"

Michael : ......"

Solomon : so how much trouble am I in?"

Michael : ....none...."

Solomon : don't go getting almost killed again next time I might not be here to help you"

Michael : ......why are you so grim about this? Especially about yourself?"

Solomon : it's a human thing. Now go you got work to do and so do I"

Michael : ...... I'm.... I'm sorry I cannot return the f-

Solomon : it doesn't matter and like I said stop pretending like your sorry. And at least I got the kiss I wanted so I'll die happy whenever that happens"

Michael : later...."

Solomon : I Will"

After this Michael left and as Solomon shut the door.......

He suddenly spit up blood and felt a sharp pain in his chest. He then looked down and saw a dagger knife sticking out of it and then suddenly it was twisted and then pulled out.

And he then collapsed to the ground in a puddle of his own blood and could feel his life draining from him.

Surprisingly he wasn't scared or crying despite being in a incredible amount of pain. He was laying there with a small smile and then suddenly started laughing a bit which hurt.

Solomon : this is what it feels like to die......"

He then turned his head to face the unknown woman and said.

Solomon : was you..... could of made it  quick since we're old friends...."

Unknown woman : what's the fun in that?"

Solomon won't win....your fooling yourself...."

Unknown woman : what do you know? You'll be dead"

Solomon : .....see you in hell....."

Unknown woman : I doubt it"

She then kneeled down with the dagger knife in hand and stabbed him again and again.

Later back in the celestial realm Michael was going over some while in his office since he still had to take it a bit easy after what happened and during this he got a text from Solomon.

"Got a lead I think I'm going to head out go do some research and look into my past a bit to see if I can find anything about her. while I see about it. I'll be gone a few weeks. Don't miss miss 😘.

Michael just rolled his eyes and put his phone down he thought Solomon was being reckless doing that after what happened but wouldn't be the first time.

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