Chapter 10

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Few hours later the fight was starting and the broadcast started as well everyone would be able to see this From the celestial realm to Devildom.

And right now in the arena Satan and Michael walked out standing a few feet away from each other. Both ready to fight. Michael having his shield and sword. Satan having a spear that he didn't want to use but Simeon gave to him anyways

Michael : like I told you I will be holding nothing back"

Satan : neither will I. I have no doubt I'll win and beat you "

Michael : I won't be beaten by a demon like you"

Satan : and I won't be beaten by some Angel like you"

After this Simeon gave the signal for the fight to begin and they immediately started fighting.

In only a few seconds in Satan was knocked down by Micheal. But Satan quickly got back up. And continue fighting his wraith immediately starting to come out. He was serious about holding nothing back so was Michael so this was going to be a interesting fight.

Meanwhile in Devildom at the house of lamentation the brothers were watching the fight on the TV and were worried.

Levi : he's really taking this seriously...."

Mammon : he's gotten knock down a few times already and it hasn't even been 5 minutes!?"

Asmo : that's our Satan stubborn as ever....."

Beel : he's getting hurt.....I Don't like this...."

Belphie : he'll be fine Beel Don't worry..."

Lucifer : ......"

Asmo : Lucifer?"

Lucifer was starring directly at the screen intensely not taking his eyes off of it.

He watched the fight closely no matter how many times Satan went down he kept getting up. Satan was barley landing any hits on Michael until

everyone notice the dark green aura around him and saw his wraith and anger growing he was close to snapping seems this whole time he was holding back.

Mammon : ....I Don't see this ending well...."

Levi : for once your right.... he's going to destroy that whole place!"

Lucifer in all honesty was horrified he couldn't stand seeing Satan being beaten down like this.

And seeing this his nightmares were flashing in his head as Satan was getting hurt and bleeding.

None of the brothers liked seeing Satan hurt. But then it happened.

In the celestial realm as Satan went down he finally snap and unleashed his wraith and angry but something seemed wrong he was becoming blind by it and did manage to get a hit on Michael.

Hitting Michael's leg with his tail stabbing it
Knocking him down attacking him with everything he had.

Michael did manage to knock him back and the rage in his eyes and decided to keep as much distance as possible from Satan.

It was clear Satan wasn't thinking straight anymore and losing control.

Satan couldn't think straight or see anything clearly he was standing back as well as he trying to figure out what to do.

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