Chapter 13

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Suddenly Satan's phone started ringing so he answered it and before he could say anything.

Michael : you both need to get away from the humans immediately you were followed"

Satan : by you?"

Michael : No! This is no time for you to be difficult!"

Satan : fine we're going"

Satan then stood up and started walking away leaving the coffee shop and Lucifer followed him.

Michael :  I knew you were leaving and I figured whoever was causing trouble would follow you once you arrive so I followed t-

Satan : were you worried? Is our friendship gr-

Michael : no! And quiet!"

Satan : so where are you?"

Michael : Following the woman following you both I'm assuming she's the one causing trouble. A large amount of power is emitting from her I cannot tell what she is which is concerning."

Satan : so why not kill her? "

Michael : we need answers! And confirmation!"

Satan : right. Anyway we'll lead her away"

Satan then hung up and said to Lucifer who barely knew what was happening.

Satan : I now we are being followed by the one who might be the cause of trouble so we have to lead them away from the people also Michael is around somewhere"

Lucifer : this just makes things more clear that your this person's target or one of them"

Satan : hey at least I'm wanted by someone unlike you?"

Lucifer : ......."

Few minutes later they walked into a close down warehouse building and as they walked in this woman also walked in.

Satan : so are you the one causing shit?"

Unknown woman : that is no way to speak to a lady?"

Lucifer : who are you?"

Unknown woman : that's not important. And this is such a shame. I really didn't want to fight both of you. Not that it would be a problem"

Satan : chances are he would of shown up anyway"

Lucifer : Satan this is a serious matter!"

Unknown woman : I.... and now we have a new guest?"

Michael then walked in and this unknown woman was surrounded by the three of them.

Michael : I don't have time for this"

Unknown Women : neither do I"

And with that the unknown woman quickly charge at Michael about to attack him and then teleported vanishing.

Michael : what?"

She then reappeared behind Michael and struck him with something then a bunch of
Unknown creatures showed up and started attacking everyone and so Lucifer and Satan started fighting them while Michael was fighting the unknown woman.

Michael was trying his hardest to fight her but she kept disappearing and reappearing everywhere. Moving to fast to hit her plus. He was starting to not feel well but he couldn't stop and continue to fight.

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