chapter 9

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Today was the day of the fight between Michael and Satan and right a few hours before it Simeon and Luke were setting up a special Camera that was going to broadcast the fight to Devildom everyone got word of it so now everyone wanted to see it.

During this Simeon was on a video call with Lucifer and the brothers to test the connection and make sure it was working.

Asmo : this is going to be exciting!"

Beel : he's going to be ok Lucifer? He has to be right?"

Simeon : he will be fine. But I am concerned about Satan that Michael might try and trigger Satan to lose control to test him"

Lucifer : most likely will do that"

Simeon : but I don't think he has bad intentions behind this. I mean he's been training Satan? Especially for this fight if he planned to actually win why would he train Satan to be better?"

Lucifer : could want an actual challenge I don't doubt he could most likely beat Satan. "

Simeon : on another note it has been funny to see them train together. Reminds me of when you were training your brother's and they kept just running around instead of actually listening to you.... I'm surprised Michael has put up with Satan this long looks like he's ready to pop a vessel any second especially with what happened this morning"

Lucifer : what did he do?"

Simeon : he thought it would be fun to play an inappropriate song on full volume to wake up Michael"

Asmo : cpr? Squidward nose? Lil Nas x? One of those?"

Simeon : .....Montero?"

Asmo : oh that is funny. Also how do you know that?"

Simeon : ..... anyway what makes it funny is that I think the song is stuck in his head because I caught him humming it earlier"

Mammon : please tell me you caught that on video!"

Simeon : I did but then he caught me and made me delete it"

Lucifer : I see Satan is still himself...."

Simeon : yeah. But I think he's a little mad "

Lucifer : it's most likely because of me because I don't believe he'll win. Most likely is trying to prove me wrong and and is probably going to push himself which will result in something bad happening."

Simeon : maybe....but let's hope everything works out."

Lucifer : where is he?"

Simeon : with MC getting ready"

Meanwhile MC was in Satan's room talking with him about the fight.

MC : so you sure you can win?"

Satan : of course I will. You worried?"

MC : of course I am? But I believe in you? But why is it so important for you to win?"

Satan : just is....If I win it proves that I am better than them....."

MC : are you doing this Because of lu-!?

Satan : it's not just that..."

MC : then why?"

Satan : ....."

Satan sat down on his bed and just looked down thinking about something.

MC then sat next to him and said holding his hand. Knowing what might be the problem.

MC : I think your great the way you are there's nobody like Satan and you don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Just go out there and kick Michael's butt for fun!"

Satan : heh.....fine that's what I plan to do anyway"

MC : good luck"

MC then kissed Satan on the cheek and his face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree from blushing.

MC : you good?"

Satan : ......"

MC : Satan?"

Satan was broken.

Meanwhile Michael was walking around with Solomon who was talking to him about the fight.

Solomon : so your really doing this?"

Michael : I'll amuse him in his petty tantrum"

Solomon : and yours? He obviously hurt your poor little ego and pride"

Michael : don't disrespect me Solomon!"

Solomon : I would never. But that's why your doing this to prove him wrong and put him in his place. ?"

Michael : ....he needs to know where he stands and where his place is. Not above me below me like the demon he is"

Solomon : yet you are worried he has a chance"

Michael : doesn't matter at the end of the day I'm stronger than him. And I will teach him a lesson. "

Solomon : yes beating that into him is definitely going to end well. Again why do this exchange program?"

Michael : my public image needs to be perfect showing resistance makes it look bad. I have no intention making peace with demons "

Solomon : another question why Satan?"

Michael : I said why I picked him"

Solomon : nobody believes that? And they say I'm full of secrets"

Michael : don't poke your nose into things Solomon it's annoying."

Solomon : no because I don't care. And you won't get rid of me I'm the only friend you have"

Michael : ....I have plenty of friends! Besides you! "

Solomon : no you don't. Also you just admitted we were friends?"

Michael : we are not...."

Solomon : what a shame that is. I do wi-!?

Michael : those jokes you make are not funny"

Solomon : that's all I can simply do with us"

Michael : ......"

Obey Me Celestial Realm Exchange Program (On Hold For A Bit)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora