
539 17 1

I woke up with bright lights blinding me. I looked around and it seemed like I was in a hospital.

Suprised I jumped outta bed, but the moment I stood up my body collapsed onto the floor. I couldn't get up.

I screamed for help and a second later two nurses ran into my room "are you okay miss" the red-haired nurses asked with a soft tone "Why am I here" my head felt dizzy my version was all blurry I was confused.

The two nurses helped me up onto my bed handing me a glass of water "what am I doing here" I asked while blinking back tears.

The nurses explained everything and I just sat on my bed too stunned to muster any words. I spent the last 10 minutes watching TV waiting for anyone to just speak to me I don't care who and about what.

But I really was hoping to hear his voice...

"Y/n you have a visiter" I turned to the doctor to see Suna behind him. I got so excited I jumped outta bed completely forgetting my body was weak.

Before I could fall Suna grabbed me by the waist "y/n you have to be careful" Suna was speaking in such a soft and loving voice I was about to melt.

"You know you had me worried sick when you just passed out in class...I thought you died" his face looked so sad I couldn't help hugging him.

Suna hugged me back pulling me closer while I cried feeling guilty. I made everyone worry I felt so guilty I couldn't speak all I could do is cry in Suna's arms.

An hour or two passed by and Suna was showing me a video of the twins fighting over the ball as I was laughing the nurse walked in and handed me a tray of food. I thanked her before she left.

I looked down at the food it made me miss my homemade cooking I poked my food before eating a bit of it "Y/n you need to eat" Suna tried feeding me but I moved my head "No I miss my cooking I don't like hospital food" Suna just smiled at me "Well then when you get better I'm gonna make you my best dish" I smiled at Suna opening my mouth allowing him to feed me the hospital food.

My family would visit whenever they could, but Suna was there with me the whole time.

It went on like this until I got discarded from the hospital.

A/n- UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I don't like this chapter but whatever 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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