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I woke up with a crazy headache and my body felt weak but I couldn't miss school I had to turn in a very important artwork and I don't trust anyone else with it.

I tiredly got out of bed almost tripping "fuck me..." I slurred out I slowly put on my uniform and it didn't look the best. I did the usual morning routine.

Finally able to leave the house I wrapped a scarf around my neck and also put on earmuffs and mittens when I opened the door the winter breeze hit me.

I watch the other people with their neat uniforms walk to school while I looked like a complete mess I silently groaned and started walking to school.

As I was putting my shoes in my locker my head started pounding twice as much due to the loud nosies my headache was getting worse, but I just tried ignoring it until a worse of a headache showed up.

"Hey y/n" when I turned to the annoying voice the twins looked at me in horror "y/n did you sleep you look so...dead" Atsumu looked at me "shut up and leave me alone" I slammed my locker and walked to class

I went by two periods literally hanging onto my life with a rope that was about to break, but when the third period started my body felt so weak I couldn't even write.

When I tried lifting my hand up to ask the teacher if I could leave my body passed out on the desk. No one really noticed cause I usually sleep in class, but my body just turned off on me.

Suna POV

The bell rang signaling the end of the period when packing up to head to the lab I noticed y/n... she wasn't moving.

I didn't think much at first so I walked to her desk Aoi was trying to wake her up so I also tried helping, but she wouldn't get up.

The teacher noticed so she tried waking her up after a minute of trying we all started getting worried. I placed my hand on her cheek and forehead and it was burning crazy "Miss I think we need to take her to the nurse" I started worrying.

I picked her up bridal style and started running to the nurse's office with Aoi behind.

When we arrived at the nurses office she wasn't there all we could do was call an ambulance. After waiting for a few minutes y/n was taken to the hospitle.

The amublance kindly gave us a ride with the teachers permission. While Aoi was explaning what happened I couldn't help but look at y/ns weak state.

Just seeing her sick made me upset. I couldn't help but hold her hand the time.

When we got to the hospitle me and Aoi had to wait outside the hallway we were both calling our parents saying that we might be coming home late.

I ended the call with my mum and when I turned my head to the big doors watching all the people in the waiting room walk up and down, until someone punched the door open and them people were the miya twins and Y/n's dad.

All three of them running towards us Atsumu and Y/n's dad were crying while Osamu looks like he was about to cry.

"WHERES MY BABY" Y/n's dad cried to us looking around frantcly. I just pointed to our left to were her room was.

A doctor walking out "Hello youu must be Mr L/n" the doctor said in a calming voice "Yes wheres my baby" Y/n's dad asked with tears streaming down his face.

"Shes in the room behind us come on in only family please" the doctor smiled while leading her dad and the twins into her room.

Me and Aoi just shared a worried experssion until she opened her mouth "Suna I saw you holding her hand don't think you were sly" I was suprised about what she said but I just laughed it off.

An hour went by and we were finally allowed to come in. The doctor informed us that Y/n was overworking her body and with her diet with only drinking coffee or energy drinks barely eating actual food it caused her body to be weak and with her sleep sheudcule it wasn't helping her.

The doctor asked what might be the cause of this and Atsumu and Osamu looked at each other in fear "Y/n she has this huge passion for art but sometimes she takes it really serious and forgets shes human and just works herself like a machine" Osamu explanied this to the doctor.

The doctor just nodded and quickly looked through his papers "Well Mr L/n do you know anything about this?" Y/n's dad looked at the ground ashamed "I never knew I'm always working late shifts and me and my daughter barely have time toghter ever since my...wife left us and moved away my daughter missed her and wanted to make her mother proud with her artwork" Y/n's dad started tearing up agian but the twins came and hugged him.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him and Y/n its hard being a single parent. I turned to Aoi and she was balling her eyes out "M-MY BABY Y/N HAS BEEN HURTING HERSELF I AM SUCH A BAD BEST FRIEND" Aoi went crying to Y/n's sleeping figure.

Hours have pasted and everyone has left but me and Y/n's dad "Hey kiddo lets go its getting dark" Y/n's dad grunted while getting up "god my back" he groaned while cracking his back. I couldn't help but smile "yea... lets go" before joining Mr L/n outside.

I looked at Y/ns sleeping state and smiled brushing the hair out of her face before kissing her forehead "I hope you get better y/n" after saying that I picked up my bookbag and joined her father outside the room.

"Are you my daughters boyfriend"Mr L/n asked with a blunt experssion "No... but I do love your daughter" I softly said. He just smiled at me before smacking my back while laughing "God you sure are her type she did say she liked a guy in her class, I think that guy is you, you should go and make a move on her" I couldn't help but look at the ground while smiling.

"My daughter can be all messy with her personallity but when it comes to people she loves she's the sweetest...if only her mother could see how beautful our princess has grown" Mr L/n gave me a toothy smile but when I looked at his eyes he was blinking back tears.

"I'll love and look after your daughter forever Mr L/n" I proudly anncounted to her father he laugh at me "Call me dad kiddo" We both walked back to my house.

As we were saying our goodbyes I heard him mumble something.

"I know you'll look after my princess son..."

I finally had the motivation to write
Please dm me ideas or comment them here I will try writing them
and you can also give me ideas of other fanfics just dm me

I was looking back at this fanfic and I think my writing skills have been improving I think 😅😅

I have been thinking of a Tsukishima fanfic and Itto fanic


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