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"That test really had me questioning my life" I finally finished the math test and half of the stuff in it I don't think we ever learned.

I and Aoi were sitting together at lunch as I was talking, someone tickled me on the side "MIYAAS" I yelped thinking it was the Miya's, but it was actually SUNA

I looked at Suna with an angry expression "You owe me food" I went back to continue eating my lunch, but Suna swang me back to face him.

He handed me a small box with a pink ribbon wrapped around it "I got you a little something" when I opened the box there was a black kitten phone charm "THIS IS ADORABLE" I quickly put the charm on my phone.

"I got us matching ones" Suna showed me his it was the same cat but in white "Are you two forgetting me" I forgot Aoi was there, poor thing was watching the whole thing.

The funny thing is about Aoi she isn't a big fan of lovey-dovey stuff but she somehow has a huge crush on my cousin MIYA ATSUMU, but she also hates watching him and makes fun of him with me.

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