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When I arrived home I went sprinting to my art studio. I quickly changed into an old pair of shorts and a shirt.

I slowly removed the thin plastic wrapped around the canvas. Smiling at the brand new white canvas as I was mixing beautiful shades of browns.

I used the palette knife to smug the shades of browns making a muddy but calm just for today I'll paint the background.

Then I'll paint the base while planning what I'll do to complete the painting I didn't notice my dad just admiring my painting.

As I was fading the brown and black together I heard a phone ring flinching at the sudden loud noise I looked around to see Suna calling.

"Suna what the fuck do you want"

"Can I come over I'm bored"



"I'm busy painting dip shit"

"Can I watch"


I ended the call on him whining I'm too busy to deal with his bull shit.

I continued painting while playing my Mitski playlist in the background. As I was in my zone painting in the floorboard of the gym. While mixing some of the paint onto my thigh I heard someone curse quitely.

I whipped out one of my sharpest palette knives "WHO IS THERE" when I turned around I saw Suna trying to get some paint off his hand "Oh it's you" I went back to my seat ignoring his presence.

"Are you just gonna ignore me" I turned around slowly giving him my usual resting face "yes" I said ignoring Suna.

He went off looking at your studio "Y/n your artwork is truly something else" I just hummed. Being too focused on the canvas to actually respond. Whippin the sweat off my forehead, I turned around to Suna.

He was using some of my watercolors to paint he looked so focused he looked pretty...

While admiring him, he turned his head towards me and just started laughing "What's wrong" he just whipped out his phone saying nothing what's wrong?

"You have paint on your forehead" in a panic I grabbed my mirror from one of my draws to see my forehead in which it had brown paint on my forehead.

This probably happened when I was wiping my forehead. I went running to my bathroom to wash my face.

Time skip

"Y/n I'm hungry let's go get food" I and Suna were watching sk8 the infinity "I have food" groaning Suna flicked me on the forehead "You sound like me mum," Suna said in a pissy voice.

I got up "Let's go then" I went up to my room to get a hoodie. As I was slipping on the hoodie Suna walked in and started looking around "I swear to FUCKING GOD SUNA YOU WILL BREAK SOMETHING" flinching from you yelling at him Suna just back away and watched you put on some socks.

I felt bad for yelling I quickly apologised

"Y/n where are we going," Suna asked in his monotoned voice "Maccas" I realised I used an Aussie slang "Whats Maccas" he doesn't know shit.

"Isn't that some Australian slang" I just nodded slowly "WAIT ARE YOU AUSTRALIAN" how do I answer that "No I was just born there but I'm full Japanese" Suna's eyes widened he never would have guessed.

But he did wonder why you had a bit of an Australian accent and you were the top in English and you would say some things differently and a shortened version of most words.

"That kinda makes sense why you are so good in English" I couldn't help but laugh most of the time when people found out I wasn't born in Japan they call me weird.

"Hello can I have three happy meals two with chicken nuggets and one with a cheeseburger" Suna just looked at me confused "Y/n you don't need to buy me any-" cutting him off "Who said it was for you"

While waiting for Suna's food I went outside I heard a loud group of guys walking closer. I tried hiding but that didn't work "Isn't that a pretty lady over there" I heard one of the guys say when I looked up at them with my usual glare.

Their eyes widen "Isn't that y/n l/n like the second-best artist in japan??" I was about to say something but my phone started ringing.


I ended the call with my mum "Wow y/n you have a really cheery mum" I just looked at my mum's contact I may have a cheery mum she can be a handful.

When I was younger it was more like I was raising the family not her.

"You've been thinking for a while now is something wrong" I looked at Suna the wind was blowing his hair out of his face.

"About my mum," I said in a quiet tone "What about her, she seems nice" he was right she seems nice but the aura around her never feels good "She's a good mum and all but she's not responsible due to that I always looked after me and my older brother, but-" I was cut off by Suna "WAIT older brother couldn't he look after you" I just smiled at Suna god this guy.

"Yea but he was always busy with the military training" Suna's mouth formed into an O "that's why my parents divorced my dad didn't like my mum always partying and getting drunk but... I can't completely hate her she's the main reason why I love art..." I couldn't help but laugh whenever I talk about my past I just automatically smile or laugh.

Suna just looked at me concerned "It's okay I always laugh these things off" I quickly shoved the rest of my chips and threw the rubbish in the bin.


❤ Liked by Miya_Atsumu and others

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Liked by Miya_Atsumu and others

This girl eats like Osamu not surprised that their related

A/n- I've been writing this for like 3 days I was too bust watching haikyuu <///3

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