T and Z headcannons because why not

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Hi I'm gonna write some of my Aaron² headcannons.

Aaron T:
- puts ketchup on his pizza
- will be in the shower for at least 2 hours putting on a whole concert. 
- has slipped and fallen in the shower doing said concerts.
- his dream as a child was to join the circus but his mom didn't let him so he begged his parents to let him take acrobatic lessons.
- he won 3 gold metals for a junior gymnastics competition in Middle school.
- every Thursday, T goes live on Instagram and talks to 4townies and asks how their days are going. Sometimes not many people join but he will stay live until people have to leave.
- likes to paint but isn't the best at it.
- doesn't show anger very often but when he gets mad, he gets MAD.
- he used to play packman and try to bite other kids around him while pretending to be the packman until his teacher called home and told his parents to tell him to stop.
- T has a tattoo on his butt but won't let anyone see it.

Aaron Z:
- wears socks and sandals and thinks he's a fashion icon.
- records T's shower concerts.
- posts YouTube videos on how to do simple makeup on men and hair tutorials for POC.
- has a stuffed Dino plushie that he sleeps with and brings when they tour.
- met his best friend playing basketball. They were on opposing teams and Z beat him badly but he was a good sport and they drank soda and ate 11 hotdogs afterwards.
- Z gets flustered and blushes very easily.
- He pretends not to notice 4townies but he really loves and appreciates them.
- demisexual, biromantic.
- love starwars and used to be called, "starwars kid," when he was in middle school.
- can play the trumpet.
- tried to learn Japanese after watching his first anime.

- they enjoy cooking for the band together. Since they are so good at cooking, they don't let Tae or Jesse into the kitchen because they know they will mess up the food.
-  Z isn't as good at baking as T but he still bakes for him on special occasions. T doesn't always like the treats he makes but he still pretends to like them as not to hurt Z's feelings.
- T printed a shirt that says, "if lost, return to Z" and he made one for Z which says, "I am Z".
- they love watching horror movies together but both of them get scared.
- they know that 4townies ship them and sometimes do things to make the crowds scream and cheer when they perform.
- Z lets T paint his fingernails while they watch true crime shows.

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