Highschool Dance Team (Part 5)

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Word Count: 2398 (it's worth it I swear)

Aaron T's POV

"You're staring," Z whispered to him and it took all of his willpower for T to peel his eyes away from his friend. The dance team had been practicing for over a month together and became fast friends. While Tae and T hung out most often, there were days when they'd all go out to a diner after practice to hang out.

It was fun to be friends with so many talented people and constantly learn from them. All five of them sat squeezed into a booth in a diner just down the street from their school. It was after practice and the sky was getting dark, but they still sat together next to the vent to warm themselves from the snowy atmosphere outside.

The winter holidays were just a few weeks away, meaning that the team wouldn't see each other in school for a while. T looked forward to the break, but he hated the thought of being away from his teammates for so long, especially the one he sat next to.

Jesse sat wedged between Tae and Robaire across from him, while Z sat next to him closest to the window. They weren't squeezed into the booth like the other three boys were, but they still sat close for the hell of it.

T lifted his glass to his lips to hide his smile.

"No, I'm not," he said to his friend. They'd been somewhat forced into being tutor buddies, and while their relationship stayed like that for a few weeks, they became closer the more they spent time with one another. Eventually, Aaron T started going over to Z's house just for fun to hang out with him and his sister, Adelaide. Soon, they were practically inseparable and thought of as "The Aarons" by their classmates.

Z sat next to him with his arm casually slung around his shoulders. He pulled him in closer for a few moments to say, "My sprite is burning my tongue," and T couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was an inside joke they had after an unfortunate experience with McDonald's sprite and a few packets too many of hot sauce.

The rest of the dance team looked at them like they were crazy or even high, but T didn't care. They were in their own little world. He munched on his fries, sneaking a few bites of Robaire's meal when he wasn't looking. Though Tae thought he was being inconspicuous, T noticed when he gazed at Jesse who was completely unaware. T wondered how such a beautiful man could be so oblivious.

Soon, the sun had set behind the heavy jungle of New York buildings and the only sources of light around the five boys were the bright neon and incandescent bulbs that surrounded them around the store.

Robaire glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Damn," he mumbled. "I've got to get home for curfew," he said and reached for his jacket. Jesse's gaze lingered on him and T could see his face fall. "Oh," he said, his voice coming out nonchalant. He checked his watch. "Yeah, me, too." As Robaire slid out from the booth and slung his jacket over his shoulders, Jesse started to do the same. That was when Tae rushed to stand as well.

"Oh," he said, his eyes nervously batting to meet T's. "Let me take the bus with you," he said. Jesse agreed to let him come along and the three of them bid the Aarons goodbye. It was astounding how quickly they all got up to leave. It was clear that all three of them were oblivious and not just Jesse.

T turned to his one remaining friend with a sigh. "I guess it's just us again," he said, picking at the rest of Robaire's meal. He was always the hungry type and constantly snacked. Since Robaire wasn't going it eat it, he figured that it would be a waste to let it into the trash.

"You don't have anywhere to be, do you?" Z asked him. He shook his head in reply and happily ate the rest of his teammate's waffle fries. He pursed his lips at the strong vinegary flavor that Roboaire had added to them.

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu