Pictures, Kisses, and Hugs

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Word count: 2058 (don't worry, it's worth the read ; ) )

Aaron T's POV

The five 4* Town members sat on a long wooden table in their meeting room with their manager at the head of the table. Aaron T sat back in his chair and tried to balance on the last two legs on the seat, his fingers lightly holding onto the table for security. Tae sat next to him, his light brown eyes darting from the chair's unsteady legs to the thin tips of his fingers, praying to the gods that his bandmate wouldn't fall and get hurt. They watched while their manager talked about something that none of them- except Robaire and Jesse- were listening to.

"What if we did some kind of charity?" Robaire asked. He chewed on one of their manager's pens and stared at the stack of papers in the center of the table. They were all in a meeting together to discuss ways they could get their band name out to the world and help others at the same time. Each one of the papers on the table had business proposals and advertisement opportunities listed with a dotted line along the bottom. All they had to do was sign the lines to get paid a little more.

"What kind?" Jesse asked their leader. He sat forward and brushed his soft blond hair off from his forehead, glancing at their manager. That was when the band's youngest member snapped up from his chair and planted both of his palms on the white marble table.

"Seaside Birch Wildlife Centre!" Tae Young shouted. Aaron T let out a little yelp at his bandmate's sudden outburst and fell backward. The legs to his chair slipped on the smooth wood of the floor underneath him and then he was on the ground with the rest of the band standing over him with concerned expressions on their faces.

"Are you okay, T?" Tae asked. The poor guy looked like he was about to cry, but T chuckled and shook his head, rubbing the back of his skull where it throbbed.

"I'm fine," he started to say despite how much his head hurt. He'd managed to smack it on the ground. It wasn't serious but it hurt enough for him to understand why his high school teachers used to scold him for leaning back on his chair. At least his cap served as a form of protection from the evils of the wooden floor.

"Here," said a quiet and low voice, and T looked up to see Aaron Z leaning down to him. The chain around his neck dangled and shined in the fluorescent overhead lights. He held a plastic water bottle out to him which just so happened to have the faces of each bandmember printed on the paper label.

"Thanks," T said and flashed his friend a bright toothy grin. Z quickly turned away with a small nod, but despite how he hid his face, T knew that his lips were turned up in a small smile too. T took the water bottle from his friend and held it to the back of his head, sighing at the sensation of having the cool bottle icing his throbbing head.


"We'd just like to start off by thanking you all for coming here today... on a Wednesday afternoon," Robaire said. He held onto a microphone and stood in the center of a long table where the rest of the 4* Town members stood by his side as well. Each of their stage names were marked on an individual card on the table in front of them, just in case parents or new fans were confused about who was who- after all, it mattered quite a lot for this particular event.

A few weeks had gone by since Tae had suggested they host a charity event for a wildlife center, and they stood together then after playing a few of their released songs on a stage a few feet away from their table.

A crowd of fans stood in front of them wearing merchandise and clapping, some of them even crying for being in the presence of the band. Aaron T leaned onto the table, taking a long look at the fans in front of him. He knew that most of them were there for the vocal line: Robaire, Jesse, and Tae Young, but seeing fans with his face and name on their clothes and signs brought a large smile to his face.

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now