
861 22 9

Word Count: 594 

Long walk through the forest, come and find me
Cold nights, dark sprites, sip it lightly
don't even wanna fuck, I just like you
I thought I only liked drugs, I'm surprised too

I met Aaron T when we were in our senior year of high school. We bonded over Radiohead and Guns N' Roses. We bonded over dancing and singing, too. T was into drugs because they kept him calm. He always had trouble focusing and he said they helped. He also said that being around me helped too.


Walk with me
I'm looking for honesty
Is that your girlfriend?
She's watching again, Z, I think that she's onto me
That doesn't bother me
I deal with this constantly
If she's got a problem then tell that
Lil' bitch to come over and talk to me

Z was more than a friend to me. I liked him. A lot. He was the kindest and most gentle boy that I'd ever met. He put everyone else before him even when he was hurt. I didn't care that he had a girlfriend. I knew that I was getting in between them. I was ruining their relationship but I didn't care. She hated me. Z knew it as much as I did but he didn't seem to care either.


I'm almost too high for this
I see your paranoia, I know it's scandalous
Take a little dip of the candy
You were supposed to get married
See, you were supposed to-
Hard drugs
No trust

He had the best voice I'd ever heard. Z could sing and rap and dance. He was talented and smart and athletic and I knew that I didn't deserve him. I didn't deserve his friendship and he didn't deserve to have his relationship ruined by some failing druggie. He loved her but he still gave me a chance. I always thought I was high when I was around him but I wasn't. He just made everything better.


Fuck love we can do this shit forever if it's lust, yeah
Listen up, yeah
Who cares?
I give up
I don't care if they don't like me, listen up
Don't give a fuck, yeah
I'll be falling in lust, yeah

His parents hated me. They said I was a bad influence and I'd be lying if I said I disagreed. Even I worried that I'd start to rub off on him and Z would slowly become like me: less kind, less caring, less gentle. I was loud. He was quiet. I couldn't stay focused. He kept his cool. We were polar opposites and his parents constantly reminded him of that- hell, even mine did, too.


I know I'm fucking up her life, it's on purpose
She doesn't deserve it
I can see it in your eyes,
You're the kind who'd let the flames take your life away
Hard drugs
No trust
Fuck love we can do this shit forever if it's lust, yeah
Listen up, yeah
Who cares?
I give up
I don't care if they don't like me, listen up
Don't give a fuck, yeahI'll be falling in lust, yeah

My girlfriend didn't deserve it. She said she loved me and we both believed it. So did T. I didn't know why but I chose him over her. Maybe it was fate or destiny. Neither of us believed in that but it was a comforting thought. It was the only justifiable reason that I could go so far as to hurt her. T never changed me though everyone said he was. He might have been a bad influence but he was real. He was my friend. He was the type of friend that I'd be willing to risk it all for and I know that he felt the same.

Hi, I hope you liked this part. I wanted to try something new. Lmk if you liked it- or not lmao. 

Song: Lust- Chase Atlantic   

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now