The Boy Next Door

704 27 34

Word Count: 1222

Aaron T's POV

"Aaron, come here!" His mother shouted up the stairs. Aaron heaved a deep sigh before rolling off his bed and padding down the steps for the third time in a span of five minutes. He hated it when his mother constantly called on him when he was doing homework.

"What?" He demanded from his mother, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" His mother asked, turning to glare at him. Aaron widened his eyes and stepped backward.

"I-I mean, what did you need?" He asked, back peddling. Everyone knew that you shouldn't disrespect your mother no matter how frustrated you were, especially if she was a person of color. That is unless you had a death wish.

His mother heaved a sigh.

"Dinner's almost ready. Empty the trash, please," she said and turned away. Aaron swallowed, thanking the gods for how willing they were to spare his gentle soul. He pulled the stretchy black bag out from the garbage bin in the kitchen and tied it into a knot before sliding off his socks and stepping out of the front door.

There was a loud beeping noise and a string of curses that came from the house next to him. Aaron furrowed his brows and watched as a moving truck backed into the narrow driveway behind it. One of the wheels rolled over a box, crushing it under its weight.

"Oh my god, can't you do anything right?" The man who stood at the top of the driveway shouted. The truck driver slipped out of the vehicle and flashed the other person his middle finger.

Aaron bit back a chuckle as he headed down the driveway and heaved the bag of trash into its can. He closed the lid over it as a dusty car drove by and then circled back, stopping at the house with the moving truck. Aaron would have been lying if he said he didn't think the scene was comical. New neighbors were the best.

The driver slid out of the car and slipped his keys into the back of his shorts. Aaron didn't know why he didn't head back inside. It was hot outside, reaching nearly 35 degrees Celcius. He wiped the sweat that began to develop over his forehead as the person who drove the car spared him a glance.

Aaron froze. The boy looked to be just around his age, no older than seventeen. He was the most beautiful guy he'd ever seen. The boy nodded his head at him. Aaron gave him a small wave but he didn't see- he'd already turned to head to the moving truck, tugging up the door.

"My mom wants all of this inside the house by the time she gets here," the boy said to the furniture movers. The two men were no longer squabbling with each other. They seemed to listen to him as soon as he spoke. The boy seemed to just have that power- he even managed to catch Aaron's attention.

He watched as the beautiful boy mopped the sweat from over his nose with the end of his t-shirt, briefly exposing his abs for a slight moment. Aaron peeled his eyes away from him, feeling his cheeks heat as he headed inside.

"Are those the new neighbors?" His mother shouted when he stepped back inside. He nodded but then shouted his reply back when he realized that she couldn't see his head. He entered the kitchen and quickly washed his hands.

"How'd you know?" He asked her as she began spooning rice onto her plate. She gave a small shrug.

"New neighbors are always the loudest."


The thing about his room was that it had a huge window. His friends always seemed to think it was cool- it had a seat and everything you'd expect to see on the average high school chick-flick drama set. But there was one downside to it- it looked out to the house next to him, making it entirely useless unless he was aiming to stare at the house beside him. There was another downside that Aaron quickly became aware of- the house next to him also had a window. And it belonged to his new and very loud neighbors.

"That's what I'm saying, mom!" he heard the beautiful new boy next door shout. Seconds later, there was the sound of a slamming door. Aaron rolled his eyes and stood from his bed, ready to slam his window shut just so his neighbors could hear it and get the message.

But he stopped. Something caught his eye. Aaron leaned forward with his fingers grazing the window pane. He peeked through the clear glass with wide eyes as he saw the boy yank off his t-shirt, revealing his white undershirt. His shirt somehow hid his wide shoulders and muscular arms. He was definitely an athlete.

"What in the Wattpad-?" Aaron mumbled to himself even though the platform did not exist at that point in time. He watched as the boy ran his fingers through his curly brown hair in frustration. He tossed his shirt across his room just as his mother came storming into his room.

"Do not slam your door on me!" She hollered at him. Her voice echoed throughout the street. The beautiful boy towered over his mother but she did not seem to be at the least bit afraid. Aaron could tell that she was just as strong and powerful as her voice. It reminded him of his own mother. 

"Then what do you want me to do? You won't listen to me!" Aaron retaliated. His voice was softer and Aaron had to lean in to hear him speak.

"It isn't my job to listen to you, it is your job to hear what I'm saying because I'm the parent!"

"Then why have kids if you're just gonna treat them like shit?" The boy asked his mother. His voice began to rise again and Aaron wondered how he had the courage to do so.

"You do not use that type of language around me!" She shouted at him. At that point, her fist was raised and Aaron was prepared to look away. But, she didn't hit him. The boy stepped away as his mother's face fell, revealing a horrified look.

The boy let out a humorless laugh.

"I guess it doesn't matter that you ran away from him," he said to her. "You're just like dad anyway."

A few quiet words were exchanged that T couldn't hear. Then, his mother left his room, closing the door softly behind her. The beautiful boy turned around, and Aaron felt his heart skip a beat. The boy held his hand to his mouth like he was stifling a cry. His brows furrowed and he hunched over. And then he looked up. His eyes found Aaron's and for the first time ever, Aaron hated his window. He hated seeing the house next to his.

He hated knowing that the boy would forever associate him with the fight he had with his mother. Aaron knew what most of the boy's friend's probably didn't know. He knew how embarrassed the boy must have felt, but his eyes didn't show it. His gaze never left Aarons until he tugged his window down and yanked his curtain shut. 

Thank you for reading!!

(Do you want a part 2??)

Also HELLO? 10K reads?? Thank you for reading my weird shit lol. 

Aaron T x Aaron Z| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now